We learn how to perform the urban painting with the help of the lesson with the example of photo-pictures
Technique of making flowers using Gorodets paintingOne of the most original forms of artwood painting is Gorodets painting. This folk art originated and successfully developed in the old Russian city on the Volga called Gorodets. Traditional Gorodets plot motifs, decorating crafts and souvenirs made of wood, are still valued for their inimitable coloring and variety of floral ornaments. Flower garlands made with Gorodets painting in combination with other traditional elements of this decorative art can decorate any souvenir or craft made of wood that you want to make with your own hands. Any work painted with the Gorodets technique necessarily includes floral ornaments, since old Russian masters considered flowers a symbol of health. There are several types of flowers, the drawing of which must be mastered first.
Main types of flowers
The picture we see shows the main onesFour types of flowers found in Gorodets painting are a bud, a rose, a rosebud, and a chamomile. To make the flowers, we will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, cherry-colored paint (gouache), and a brush. Draw four circles on a white sheet of paper. The first circle should be slightly smaller in diameter than the three following ones. Now take a brush and use paint to create round spots on each of the circles. These spots are commonly called flower noses. On the first and second circles, the noses should be positioned on the side, and on the third and fourth, in the center. Next, finish drawing all four flowers, as shown in the picture, using the same color paint for the petals.
From the first circle we make a bud.We create an arc along its circumference. We try to hold the brush perpendicular to the surface on which the drawing is applied. We begin to make an arc, barely touching the tip of the working brush to the paper. Then we increase the pressure on the brush so that a smooth volumetric transition is obtained. We finish the arc very thinly, again using the tip of the brush. The resulting arc should have a shape similar to the young moon.
We will turn the next circle into a rose.To do this, draw a similar arc, but place it not on the edge, but in the central part of the circle. Along the edge of the second circle, create petals. Draw them in the same way as the arc, only smaller in size, placing one next to the other. Along the circumference of the third circle, draw only petals, like in a rose. We get a rose. The fourth circle is a chamomile. Here we will use a different technique. We need to draw droplets around the nose of the flower, which is located in the center of the circle. We make droplets with a brush using the "blotting" method. So, we have learned how to draw petals of four types of flowers, decorating them using the Gorodets painting technique. Now you should draw them on paper or a wooden surface of the future souvenir, making them according to the rules from start to finish. If you have to draw an ornament consisting of a large number of flowers, you can make templates of circles of the size you need using a compass. These templates can be used in your work, thereby simplifying your task.
The creation of flowers using the Gorodets painting technique is divided into three steps.
A colored circle that will serve as the baseany Gorodets flower, is called underpainting. In order to master Gorodets painting, you need to learn how to draw the types of the four flowers listed above. By changing their color scheme, you can achieve the impression that a large variety of flowers are involved in the drawing. In the traditions of Gorodets painting, red, cherry, pink, blue and light blue paint are used to paint flowers. You can also paint flowers in brown or black. It should be remembered that when doing work in the Gorodets painting technique, flowers of blue and light blue colors should be present in the picture, occupying no more than one fourth of the ornament. Also, they may not be there at all.
Pointing of petals
When we drew circles of different necessaryflowers (underpainting) we give the gouache time to dry. Then we begin to draw the petals depending on the flowers that you want to depict. On a pink underpainting, the petals can be outlined with red, on a light blue - with blue. In general, the outline of the petals is always done with a darker contrasting paint.
In the third stage of drawing a flower we willto perform the revivals. For this we will need art brushes No. 2 or No. 3, as well as white gouache. In order to perform the revivals, you need to carefully dip the tip of the brush in white gouache, and then begin decorating the flowers with dots and elastic strokes. To begin, you should place white dots in the center of the noses of all flowers. Then you need to make a border of dots at the noses of daisies and roses, and outline the noses of roses and buds, creating a white arc. The revival is completed with elegant strokes that need to be applied to the roses. Thus, your flowers will be drawn completely. If you decide to learn real Gorodets painting, which for 150 years has delighted our eyes with its originality and unique coloring, you should adhere to the traditional rules of decorative painting when choosing flowers and performing the revivals. In this way, you will not only learn the rules of the old Russian craft, but also prolong the life of true folk art.