A lesson on knitting a child's coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps

A lesson on knitting a child's coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps

For knitting a coat for 6-9 months, semi-wool yarn is used. In this case, Kroha from the Troitskaya factory.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №1Legend:

  • VP - air loop;
  • SP - connecting loop;
  • SC - single crochet;
  • ССН - double crochet;
  • SPN - a column with a half yarn over.

We collect a chain of 16 VP. We knit a row of SC for the back part of the loop.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo # 2Thus we knit an elastic band - 94 rows.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Picture №3Now knit a row of sc along the length of the elastic band.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №4Next we will knit the top of the coat with shells. We make 1 lifting VP, in the third base loop we knit 5 CCH.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №5In the third loop we make a single crochet. We knit in this way to the end of the row - 16 shells.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №6In the following rows, we knit SC into the top of the shell,and 5 CCH in the loop between the shells. Thus, we knit the fabric to the armhole - 9 rows. We knit the back. We step back 4 shells. We start the row from the top of the fifth shell. We knit 7 shells. In the next row, we pass SP to the top of the shell. We knit 6 shells.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №7Next, knit 7 rows without decreasing. To knit the neck, knit 2 shells on each side of the back, then 1.5 shells in the second and third rows.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №8We knit the shelves.Step back from the edge of 3 shells and knit a row from the top of the shell (3.5 shells). In the next row, decrease by another half shell. Knit 6 more rows in this way. To knit the neck from the edge, 3 VP, 1 SPN, 2 SC, 2.5 shells. In the next row - 2 shells. Then 2 rows of 1.5 shells.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo Number 9Knit a sleeve. Make a chain of 9 VP. Knit an elastic band (similar to a belt) of 34 rows. Knit along the seam in a circle and knit 1 row of SC with an increase in every fifth loop.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Picture №10We knit 18 rows of CCH. We knit the shoulder:

  • 1 row - 5 sp, 5 sc, 5 sp, 8 dc, 5 sp, 5 sc, 1 sp. Turn the knitting.
  • 2nd row - 5 SP, 3 SC, 3 SPN, 6 DC, 3 SPN, 3 SC, 1 SP. Turn the knitting.
  • Row 3 - 3 sp, 2 sc, 2 sp, 4 dc, 2 sp, 2 sc, 1 sp.

A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo Number 11We tie the sleeves to the coat.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo number 12Knit the lower part of the coat. Make 2 rows of SC, in the second row in every fifth loop we knit 2 SC. Then we knit 25 rows of shells.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo №13We knit the neck. We knit a row of SC.Next, a row of CCH, knitting together every 5th and 6th loop. Next row of CCH, knitting together every 3rd and 4th loop. Another row of CCH, no reductions. Last row of SC without reductions.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo Number 14We knit along the entire length of the coat from the bottom to the neckSC on both sides for 6 rows. To knit loops on one side in the fourth row, knit 3 VP, then SC in the 4th base loop. Thus, knit 7 times.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo number 15Our coat is ready, all that's left is to sew on the buttons - and we can go for a walk.A lesson on knitting a baby coat with your own hands, photo and description of steps. Photo number 16

