A lesson on decorating wedding glasses with hearts embroidered with a cross

A lesson on decorating wedding glasses with hearts embroidered with a cross

A wedding is the most important and significant dayin the life of every newlywed, so they prepare for it very carefully and painstakingly, trying to take into account all the little things and bring them to perfection. Often, it is small original and stylish things that become symbols of a big celebration, for example, wedding glasses of the bride and groom, you simply cannot do without them on such a wonderful day. To make them original and unique, their decor can be made independently, for example, using cross stitch. This master class will tell you exactly how to do this.

Tools and materials

So, to make wedding glasses with cross-stitched decor, we will need:

  • white canvas;
  • floss in two shades of blue, pink, as well as pale pink and pale blue;
  • the hoop;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • thin satin ribbon of white, pink and green.

Description of work

1.As a pattern for embroidering decorative elements of the glass, we chose a very simple and accessible to everyone, even a beginner needlewoman, pattern in the form of hearts. We tightly stretch the canvas on the hoop and embroider the first heart in a pink shade.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Photo №12. Next, having measured the required distance along the cells, we embroider exactly the same second heart.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Photo # 23.Then, next to the already embroidered hearts, we embroider one more heart with the threads of the second pink tone, and they should be located on the extreme sides relative to the first ones and almost touch them. It is important to do everything symmetrically and at the same distance.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Picture №34.We embroider the second pair of hearts using exactly the same principle, using two shades of blue threads. At the same time, we retreat quite a lot of space from the first embroidery, so that later we can easily cut out the stripes we need from the canvas.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Photo №45.Next, taking into account the embroidered elements, we cut out two identical ribbons, the upper and lower edges of which we evenly fold by 3-4 millimeters to the back side and embroider, using pale pink floss threads, a row of crosses arranged in a checkerboard pattern. We do the same with the second ribbon, only for embroidering the edge we use pale blue threads.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Photo №56.Each ribbon is folded to form a small symmetrical bow with embroidered elements on the front part and tied in the center with a thin satin ribbon. For a bow with pink hearts, take a pink ribbon, and for a bow with blue hearts, a green or light blue one. The length of the ribbons should be 25-30 cm, depending on the height of the stem of the decorated glasses. Then take two more pieces of thin satin ribbon, this time white, 12-15 cm long each and thread them one by one from the back side through the formed knot. We will need these ribbons so that our decor can be tied to the glass itself.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Photo №67.Finally, we decorate the wedding glasses with decorative embroidered bows and finish the work on their creation. Today it is very fashionable for the wedding to be held in a certain color, for this you just need to change the colors of the threads of the embroidered elements and complement the celebration with such unusual glasses.Step-by-step photos for creating decor for wedding glasses. Photo №7

