Lessons of embroidery with beads. We choose the canvas for embroidering beads.
When we explore new possibilities in anyindustry, we try to take information from a variety of sources. The same applies to certain terms, knowledge of materials and information. For example, many of us, when working with beading, know that there is Canvas, but no one knows the exact definition of what it is needed for, how to use it and which canvas materials are the best.The canvas is made of mesh cotton, linen,or mixed in composition fabric. Also, it can have a base of other materials. This fabric is applicable for embroidery with counted crosses, uncounted crosses, satin stitch and tapestry stitch, in carpet technique and other techniques. Also, the canvas is suitable for making pillows, carpets, embroidering display cases for handbags, boxes. In counted cross stitch embroidery, the most convenient is considered to be the AIDA type canvas, which consists of 100 percent cotton. The canvas of such a canvas is presented as a base of tightly interwoven 4 by 4 threads, which can form clear squares. Crosses similar to such fabrics are made very even and beautiful without much effort.
AIDA is considered the most popular canvas, and alsomost often used for counted embroidery. The creation of AIDA-type fabric requires 100 percent cotton. Weaving fabrics of such a thread 4 by 4 helps to create the effects of even squares, and the fabric in this case is the necessary rigidity. AIDA-type canvas can have a variety of parameters. Number 14. This canvas has a fairly large composition and can be easily embroidered by those who are just starting their own business. Such canvas does not require tension, since everything is perfectly visible. For experienced craftsmen, it is recommended to use AIDA number 16. In this case, the dimensions of your work will be slightly smaller than on number 14, and the image in this case will look denser. Two threads are also used for embroidery on such canvas. The most difficult option is AIDA number 18, which is not very visible and can be worked with only with a magnifying glass or glasses. The cells in such fabric are very small. As a rule, when embroidering on such canvas, only one thread is used. If you want to get a denser embroidery, it is worth using threads in 2 folds.
There is also an option for children, or evenbeginners. This is AIDA size 11, which offers 1 inch by 11 squares, as well as 44 squares by 10 centimeters. This canvas is great for starting training and is very popular among those who are just learning the basics of success in learning this technology. As a result, you can understand that from different canvases in the AIDA style you can get different results, different effects and, importantly, different complexity of work. Therefore, it is worth very carefully choosing the necessary material for work.