Let there always be sunshine: we make crafts for the whole family on May 1 with our own hands. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Let there always be sunshine: we make crafts for the whole family on May 1 with our own hands. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Every country has its own holidays - special andfestive days on which certain memorable events are celebrated, following certain traditions and familiar rituals. However, time always makes its own adjustments: something is forgotten, something recedes into the shadows, something new comes, replacing the measured order of actions. So, for example, the holiday of May 1 is already little known and little understood by modern children, while their parents still enjoyed going to May Day demonstrations and parades, chanting slogans - "Peace! Labor! May!" Nevertheless, even if we leave aside the memories of the holiday of unity of all workers, May Day can become an excellent spring tradition for family recreation in nature. And it will also be great if you and your children try to make various crafts for May 1 with your own hands. Despite the fact that the May 1 holiday has been around for a long timehas lost its ideological and political components, this spring day is still remembered and loved. Try telling your children about it and celebrating it by making various crafts together, and may there always be peace and goodness in your families.

