Lightweight fabric furniture
Typically storage furniture is made ofheavy thick-walled materials such as wood or chipboard. However, the walls of the storage room serve only as protection against dust and, as a rule, do not need a static function. That is why the young German designer Meike Harde liked the idea of creating a collection of fabric furniture. Lightweight furniture is ideal for the bedroom. The fabric furniture collection is called London and consists of a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a basket-type storage room and a stool. With the help of a lightweight steel frame, the fabric surface holds a given shape and protects clothes from dust, but, unlike standard materials, textiles make the furniture airy and mobile. In addition, fabric makes it possible to immediately create a unique dynamic surface design.Purple chest of drawers made of natural melton fabricuses the principle of sliding doors. A simple mechanism is included in the textile part so that there is no need for additional guides. Elastic bands are sewn on the inside of the doors. They are in a stretched position when the furniture is closed, and in a compressed position when open, as a result of which the doors are gathered into folds. The surface of the chest of drawers is already draped with folds, so when the doors are repeatedly opened and closed, the fabric does not wrinkle. A mirror can be installed at will, adjustable in height.The cabinet is designed for storing outerwear,рубашек, брюк, юбок и платьев на вешалках. Чехол сшит из чистого хлопка и натянут на металлический каркас. Застежка-молния размещена на передней стенке и образует дверь. Легкая мебель намеренно остается открытой в нижней части для создания ощущения легкости. Кроме того, полностью разборная конструкция может быть быстро установлена в любом месте. Конечно, столь необычные решения не всем придутся по душе. The mint green diamond basket consists ofmetal frame covered with elastic fabric. This structure creates pockets that can be filled through the gaps in the fabric. The basket is designed for underwear, socks, hats, scarves and other accessories that can be seen from the other side. And, to complete the series, a small stool in delicate colors. This lightweight furniture will definitely not clutter the room, on the contrary, it will create a feeling of space.