Lily of the valley bead and beads in teaching master classes (video)
- Master classes of weaving lilies of the valley of beads
- Video: Lily of the valley bead for beginners
- Video: Weaving lilies of the valley from beads and beads
Lilies of the valley made of beads, like any other items,obtained as a result of the process known as beading, can become a decoration of our home. Beads are small beads with holes. With the help of handicrafts, embroidery, mosaics or weaving, various decorations or interior items are made from them. Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to weave flowers and trees that can be made with your own hands.
Master classes of weaving lilies of the valley of beads
Today we will conduct lessons in which we will consider,How to weave flowers from a bead lily of the valley. It is best to learn the material, following the descriptions that the master class gives us, as well as the relevant photos and video materials. For work we need:
We start by making florets. We take 10 cm of wire, and we collect on it 4 white beads. Wrap the bend in half and do the twist, and then thread on it one white bead. We have a small flower of a white lily of the valley. After that, we will dial on this wire 4 large green beads. In one inflorescence there should be nine separate flowers. We will make all these nine colors and make up all the inflorescences.
To form such an inflorescence you need to takeapproximately 20 centimeters of wire of a larger diameter. It will play the role of the stem of the inflorescence. We make one of the small lily of the valley flowers the top of our inflorescence. To do this, we add two green beads and push the second wire into the holes of these beads. We got the top of the inflorescence. We continue working, attaching one flower after another, screwing them with threads. Each next one is attached to the inflorescence below the previous one. Our inflorescence will be ready when all 9 flowers are screwed.
Lilies of the valley made of beads must be identical intheir structure to ordinary flowers in nature. They consist of inflorescences and leaves. Therefore, the second stage of weaving is the production of leaves. Let's continue our master class, working on the execution of a leaf. Lily of the valley leaves are quite large, especially if you compare them with small flower buds. There are special patterns for weaving leaves that we must follow. In this case, we use the French technique of parallel weaving with arcs. It is one of the easiest to perform, you just need to follow the pattern.
We will prepare a long piece of green wire,and string one meter of small green beads onto it. Let's start creating a leaf. Measure out 40 cm of wire and fold it in half, forming a loop. Move 20 cm of green beads into this loop, distributing them over both wires of our loop. Twist the loop from the top and bottom. This will give you two strings of beads twisted together. After that, continue adding the arc-shaped beads, one arc after another. Let's string the length of beads onto the free wire, corresponding to the length of the leaf that we've already decided on. We'll attach to
after another. It is necessary to make only 10 rows, from which we will make our leaf.
Now the leaf needs to be given a littlecurved appearance, as it happens in nature. And at the very end of the work we must connect the leaf and the inflorescence of 9 flowers. This is done with the help of a green floss thread, to give the beaded lily of the valley more naturalness.
Video: Lily of the valley bead for beginners
Lily of the valley of beads and beads Lilies of the valley of beads can beDo using different techniques of weaving, and I would like to tell you about one more of them. The second master class, which will help us make a lily of the valley of beads, will require the availability of the following materials and tools:
For one sprig of lily of the valley
- Seven or eight large white beads;
- Seven green beads;
- A bit of white beads;
- Green wire 0.3 mm;
- Wire thickness 1 mm.
Take the green wire length of 45-50cm. First, we put on it one white bead and lead to the middle of its length. We make several turns of wire, fixing it so that it does not move. We formed two free ends. At one of these ends we dress one green bead, a large white bead and three white beads. We pass the wire through the first white bead and tighten it, forming a loop. Bead and green is located near the twist with a white bead. Make sure that the distance between bead and twine is about 0.5 cm. This piece of wire will be the foot of the flower that connects it to the twig.
Next we move our newly formed loopwith white beads to a large white bead, tightening it into a circle, and thread the free thread through the white bead. Now twist this wire around the green bead, moving to the main wire, and twisting them together to the place where we will place the second flower. At this point, repeat everything again, forming the second lily of the valley flower. Repeat the entire operation. Work like this until 7 or 8 individual flowers are ready. Our lily of the valley branch is ready. Do not forget that the wire must be twisted in one direction all the time, and the branch with flowers must be made long so that it can be placed in a vase or flower pot.
You need to make several of these branches with flowers,to get a bouquet of lilies of the valley, which will look great in a vase. Now we move on to making lily of the valley leaves. To make a leaf, you need to have:
To make a lily of the valley leaf,you will need to string green beads on a long wire. Then cut off 10 centimeters of wire and screw it to the main wire. Start weaving a leaf using the French weaving technique. String several beads on the wire that we attached. We weave our leaf in a circle, building up one arc after another, twisting the leaf clockwise. You need to make sure that the upper tip of the leaf is pointed. If we need a very large leaf, then we will fix it on a thick wire, otherwise it will not be strong enough. If we are forming a small leaf, then we can leave it without a strong base.
As you can see, the technique of weaving a leaf in the secondmaster class does not coincide with the one considered in the first case, although it is a French weave. But in the first case, the arcs are formed separately, and one by one. And in the second master class, the arcs are obtained as a result of rotational movements, or twisting. All arcs are obtained without additional connections. Only at the extreme upper and lower points of the leaflet is it necessary to make fastening turns of the wire (two or three rotational movements). The difference in the technique of performing the leaves is very noticeable if you look at them in photos or video materials.
When all the work on making inflorescences andlily of the valley leaves are finished, you need to plant them in a flower pot. For this, you can use artificial soil. It is advisable to sprinkle decorative soil on the surface of this soil, consisting of multi-colored plastic balls or pebbles. Such lilies of the valley made of beads, planted in a flower pot, can become an excellent decoration of the interior in any home.
Video: Weaving lilies of the valley from beads and beads