Love messages for the anniversary of the wedding.What to give to her husband on the anniversary

Love messages for the anniversary of the wedding.What to give to her husband on the anniversary

The anniversary of your meeting, wedding or startdates and meetings - this is an important holiday for two loving hearts, thanks to which tender relations between people who love each other become stronger. Celebrating this romantic event every year, secretly choosing a gift for each other on the anniversary, each of you once again proves your affection, love and tenderness.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo №1And the longer your relationship lasts, the more important and romantic these sweet holidays “for two” become, and they are filled with the most sublime feelings.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo # 2A gift for your loved one on your anniversaryrelationships, made with your own hands - an invariable attribute of the celebration, such a present should be very tender, unusual and romantic, because its purpose is to cause delight and passion in the heart of your other half.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Picture №3Emotional support is always important and necessary for love, and such signs of attention, in the form of handmade gifts, will certainly elevate your relationship to the highest level of mutual understanding.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo №4Today we will tell you about an interesting idearomantic mini-adventure on your wedding anniversary. We suggest you make twelve envelopes and 12 days before your special date put one specific envelope in each of your shared mailboxes. Each envelope should contain a love letter of a romantic nature. And the last envelope should contain an invitation to the theater, a couple of tickets to the cinema or a romantic dinner. This will be a wonderful gift for both of you.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo №5Now we will tell you how to make envelopesfor messages. In a stationery store or art salon, buy the required number of sheets of colored or textured double-sided paper. Take sheets that are not very thick, so it will be easier for you to work with and bend them. Take a square sheet. You need to fold the paper in half, unfold it, and fold it again, but at an angle of 90 degrees to the previous fold, and unfold it again.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo №6Our square should be divided into four even squares. The sheet should be placed face down on the table, and all edges of the square should be folded to the center. For convenience, see the photo.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo №7A square with already curved edges is neededturn over and fold in half, as in the photo. One of the edges should be facing you. And the edge that is facing the table should be straightened, folded with the one that is facing you and glued together. If you have a sewing machine at hand, you can stitch the envelope beautifully along the contour.Romantic envelope with your own hands. Photo №8The envelope is ready, all you have to do is decorate, ribbons or other decor as desired, and insert love messages there. This is such a wonderful idea for the anniversary of your memorable event. We hope that you will enjoy this kind of gift giving, because it will be very unpredictable.

