The main aspects of making toys for children with their own hands.
Any mother knows and understands that children shouldto have their own toys, it is even better when he has one favorite one, which he singles out among all. After all, the childhood of any person is imprinted in memory precisely through favorite toys, with which they were inseparable even in their sleep. Psychologists also say that children, especially after three years, should have many toys made of various materials that can be learned and explored during the game. Of course, the store offers a huge selection of all kinds of toys and various characters, but among them, it is sometimes so difficult to find something suitable for your child. Many mothers think about making them with their own hands. After all, a toy made by mother's own hands will give incomparable joy and warmth to their beloved baby. And if the child is older, then involving him in the work will be an excellent game and a way to develop his imagination. If you decide to make a toy yourself from start to finish, then all your imagination and design abilities will be embodied in it. There are also store-bought kits for making toys, but there you need to follow the instructions strictly. Try to make a toy yourself, using all your creativity. Involve your child and give him the joy of spending time with you. However, remember about safety: allow him to use scissors, needles and other tools only under your supervision. And before you start your work, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for sewing most toys with your own hands. To sew it yourself, you will need all your patience, diligence, perseverance and the materials required for its manufacture. Here, everything depends on your imagination: scraps of all kinds of ribbons and fabrics, lace, old things, etc. will do. Patterns for soft toys As for the patterns of toys, in this category you can find a huge variety of them for every taste and preference. But for making these patterns, it is better to use harder materials. Cardboard is perfect, which will be more convenient to work with. It fits well to the fabric and is more durable than, say, tracing paper. Fabrics for making soft toys As for the fabrics used in the work, you have many options. Knitwear has the property of stretching well, due to which it can be used for sewing any shapes, be it a cube or all sorts of animals. Cotton fabric, chintz or satin have shades of unimaginable tones that are ideal for sewing all sorts of toys and dolls. For sewing animals, terry cloth or flannel are used, which will create the effect of very beautiful wool. Also, artificial fur is often used for making all sorts of animals.Pay special attention to fabrics such as felt.It is often used in work on creating some crafts. Small details, such as paws, tail, nose, etc., are also made well from this material.
Seams suitable for making soft toysCutting the fabric is of great importance when making a toy yourself. This work must be done carefully and accurately. In the case when you use non-flowing materials, you can do without allowances. Use a loop stitch in your work so as not to turn the mold for the finished toy inside out.
When the fabric tends to crumble,seam allowances are required. Sewn parts must be turned very carefully to the front side. Stuffing the toy There is a large selection of stuffing materials. The most common of them is synthetic padding. It is easy to use, holds its shape well, is fairly easy to wash and dries quickly. Synthetic fluff in the form of small balls is also quite easy to use, holds its shape for a long time and also withstands washing well.
It is possible to use natural onesfillers. An example of such material is sliver (it is sheep wool twisted into a roll), which is soft. Before using it, you should fluff it up with your hands, it should turn into a pile resembling cotton wool. The downside of this material is that toys filled with it can only be washed in extreme cases. But it would be better to simply wipe them with a damp cloth. If you do not have suitable materials, then the solution is very simple. Cut your old socks or sweaters into small pieces and fill your toy with them. A soft toy made with your own hands is a great way to get rid of many unnecessary things, and making it together will bring you and your child even closer together.