To make a capacious cosmetic bag, sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing, the material of this article will help

To make a capacious cosmetic bag, sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing, the material of this article will help

A roomy cosmetic bag, sewn using the techniquepatchwork sewing is a simple option for needlewomen that does not require much effort and experience. The proposed model, the author of which is Polina Kuts, will be an excellent way to get acquainted with this unique technique of sewing products and, at the same time, please yourself or your loved ones with a unique beautiful and useful thing. In an interesting ancient style of needlework - the patchwork technique, you can sew almost any thing, any product. These are not only exterior and interior items that serve as room decoration and are practical and multifunctional, but also clothing and accessories. Needlewomen from all over the world pay special attention to the patchwork technique. In our country, this technique has been familiar to us since the youth of our great-grandmothers and grandmothers. Despite such a long history of the development of patchwork sewing, it is no less relevant now, and is unlikely to ever lose its popularity. Today we will try to make a roomy cosmetic bag ourselves, sewn using the patchwork technique.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №1To start working on this wonderful accessory, we need to prepare the materials necessary for its creation. We will need:

  • the length of the main tissue is 40 by 30 centimeters;
  • The length of non-woven fabric is the same size as the base fabric;
  • A piece of fabric for a lining of similar size;
  • multicolored patches (strips), the size of which is forty centimeters by four and a half centimeters, will need five pieces;
  • two fabric strips eighteen centimeters by four centimeters, which will be needed for stitching (processing) the seams in the inner part of the product;
  • zipper for fastening, preferably long, from forty centimeters and more, this zipper is always sewn into the product more conveniently;
  • Threads that match the color of the product.

A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo # 2The author specifies the dimensions of the parts taking into accountallowances required for seams (one centimeter), so there is no need to add additional centimeters to them. During the work, the author of this model used three types of machine stitches: triple knitted zigzag, necessary for sewing each patch to the base, a regular triple stitch, a zigzag used to create a decorative seam, triple.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Picture №3The initial action is grindingmulti-colored strips (five pieces) together along their length. To do this, you need to alternately apply each of the strips to each other with the front side and stitch them, stepping back one centimeter from the edge.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №4 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №5 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №6After stitching, it is necessary to iron it carefully.the resulting seams to the sides. The side strips on the wrong side need to be ironed and allowances, one centimeter on each side of the block. As a result of the work done, you will get a block, the width of which will be equal to twelve and a half centimeters. Each strip in the block will have a width of two and a half centimeters.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №7 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №8Now you need to sew a block of colored patches tobase (a piece of the main fabric of the accessory). First, the main fabric needs to be connected to a piece of interlining of exactly the same size from the inside. We need to attach a block of colored stripes to the middle of the base. We will do this using sewing pins.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 9We sew the block of patches with a stitch used for decorative stitches. The author of the cosmetic bag model used a knitted triple zigzag. All the stitches are laid along the top of the strips (their borders).A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Picture №10To avoid deformation of the fabric, startstitch from the middle flap, moving to the sides from it. We will sew the edges of the patchwork block using a triple stitch. We will get exactly the same detail as in the photo.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 11At the next stage of work we need to sewzipper. We attach one part of the zipper to the base with pins. Both its ends should extend beyond the future product, as shown in the photo. Subsequently, the unnecessary parts will simply be cut off with scissors.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo number 12At the same time, we fix the fabric intended for the lining. The front side should be facing the back side of the zipper.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №13We stitch all layers of the product (base, lining and zipper) on the machine. All this must be done very carefully.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 14You can simplify the task a little. First, sew the base with the zipper, and then stitch the lining material. The result will be a design like in the photo.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo number 15The seams between the zipper and the layers of fabric need to be steamed.using an iron. There is one more thing. It is advisable to make the stitching closer to the lining fabric so that it does not get caught in the lock when zipping up while using the cosmetic bag.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo number 16 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo number 17Similar actions need to be carried out with the second one.part of the zipper. It is important that both parts of the zipper match. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, you can initially pin the zipper in the closed position, and only then unzip and sew it.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 18 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 19We make a line, smooth out all the seams, and make another additional line on the lining. You will get a cylinder like this.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo number 20 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 21Now let's unzip the zipper.On both sides of it we will lay decorative lines. They should go through all layers of the product. This line performs two functions at once: decorative and fixing, fastening the fabrics of the layers together and relative to the fastener. The result is an excellent appearance and no effect of fabric slippage.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo Number 22Although these lines are not mandatory,It is better to make them, after all. The cosmetic bag needs to have a bottom. We turn the resulting structure inside out and fold the cosmetic bag so that its upper edge is slightly higher than the zipper itself. The fold needs to be fixed with sewing pins. We will get this type of blank.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo # 23At the bottom we make a fold, which should be absolutely symmetrical. Using pins we fix both the folds themselves and the side seams.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo # 24 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №25The zipper needs to be unzipped halfway, otherwise we won't be able to turn the product right side out. And we'll make lines on the sides (one centimeter is left for the allowance). This is the design we'll get.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №26All that remains is to do the final finishing of the seams.side. It's time to use the scraps of fabric prepared at the very beginning - the facing. First, we measure the resulting height of the product and add two centimeters (allowance). The length of the strip is seventeen and a half centimeters with its width of four centimeters.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №27First, iron them from the end, one at a timecentimeter, then - one centimeter along the length of the strips. After that, fold them in half lengthwise and iron. We have a fold. The result of the actions is facings in the amount of two pieces with dimensions of one centimeter in width and fifteen and a half centimeters in length.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №28On the cosmetic bag, we will cut off the excess ends of the zipper, align the side seams and fix the facings on these seams on both sides using sewing pins.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №29Carefully sew the facings to the product itself.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Picture №30All that's left to do is turn the cosmetic bag inside outzipper, which we left half-undone, and iron the seams on the sides of the product. A roomy cosmetic bag, sewn using the patchwork technique, is ready for use.A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Picture №31 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Photo №32 A spacious cosmetic bag sewn in the technique of patchwork sewing. Picture №33

