Make a rose from paper origami or an entire bouquet using a pattern is not difficult even for a child

Make a rose from paper origami or an entire bouquet using a pattern is not difficult even for a child

Origami - paper rose - not difficultcraft, and, at the same time, very beautiful. It can be made in a single copy or you can create a whole bouquet with your own hands using this technique. The process itself does not take much time and is perfect for joint creativity with children. Origami is perhaps one of the most unusual and creative types of art. Japan is considered the birthplace of origami, despite the fact that paper was invented in Ancient China. It was in Japan that it became the most popular tradition, which has been passed down to descendants for many generations. The word origami can be translated as follows: ori - "paper", kami - "folding". For some time after its appearance, origami was not available to ordinary people. This art was mastered only by people, so to speak, of the highest class. It was believed that the person who owns the origami technique is very educated, has a developed mindset. After many centuries and millennia, this art has found many fans all over the world. Origami - paper rose.Origami is a rose made of paper. Photo №1 Origami is a rose made of paper. Photo # 2If you still don’t know how to make a rose frompaper, then our article is for you. If you follow our recommendations, you will get exactly the same product as shown in the picture. It is believed that flowers are the best gift for a woman of any age. With a little imagination and effort, in a fairly short period of time, you can grow a whole greenhouse of paper flowers. And then, a gift, especially one made with your own hands, will be appreciated. We all know that the rose is considered the queen of all flowers. Perhaps, there is no person who has not been enchanted by its beauty. And, even more so, there is no artist who has not at least tried to depict a rose in his works. Despite the fact that not all people are artists, everyone can make a rose out of paper. And believe me, it will look no less mesmerizing. This flower is a symbol of wisdom, beauty, pride, love, perfection - and in general, all the most wonderful feelings and sensations. To make one rose you will need: 1 sheet of paper and approximately 15 minutes of free time. It is recommended to choose the paper as soft as possible. Since for the first time working with thick paper can be quite difficult and problematic. A little below you can see the assembly diagram of origami - paper roses. It was developed by the Japanese master - Fumiaki Shingu. Before you start working, you should carefully study the diagram, and only then begin to form the flower. If you strictly follow the instructions, the result will be no worse than in the picture, perhaps even better, and it will not take you much time. I want to note that the work should be done as carefully as possible, because only then will you be satisfied with the final result.Origami is a rose made of paper. Picture №3If you found this activity interesting andfascinating, you can make a whole bouquet of roses, which can serve as both decoration and a gift. It will look very impressive and unusual. Also, I want to note that roses can be made in absolutely different color solutions. You can make a bouquet in one color or in different shades. Any bouquet will look equally impressive.Origami is a rose made of paper. Photo №4

