To make your own hands a simple vase made of multi-colored origami paper will help you to describe the work

To make your own hands a simple vase made of multi-colored origami paper will help you to describe the work

Origami, making a simple vase frommulti-colored paper is an interesting and fairly easy process. A little effort and desire and your artwork will be an excellent addition to the decor of any holiday. It is equally interesting for both children and adults. Step-by-step photos and instructions will help you make an interesting piece of your own. Origami is a very ancient art, which Japan is considered to be the birthplace of. Until now, creative people do not leave origami unnoticed. The classic look of origami is just the folding of paper figures, but over time, some materials have been added, such as: cardboard, glue, scissors, etc. Already more than one number of centuries, origami is considered one of the most original kinds of art. This activity has absolutely no age limits. That is, it is possible to attract both a child and an adult, thus having a good time. It is not necessary to start with something complicated, quite the contrary. It is better to start with simple paper crafts, for example, frog, airplane, boat, etc. Recently, more and more doctors recommend practicing origami from a young age. It is able to develop fine motor skills of fingers, logical thinking, fantasy. Now I want to draw your attention to origami, making a simple vase of colored paper with your own hands. Origami, making a simple vase of colorful paper. Photo №1 Make an origami-vase is not difficult. In principle, it will be able to even beginners. It will become an excellent element of decor. It can be placed, for example, dry or artificial flowers. If you place a vessel with water in a paper vase, you can put live flowers. And also, in addition, it can store pencils, pens, paperclips and other small parts. You will need: any two-sided paper (you can do without having folded two sheets of plain paper), decor elements for your taste, some free time. So, let's get to work: First we need to take a square of paper, bend it diagonally, then unbend it. Then you need to repeat the same action, only with a different diagonal. Origami, making a simple vase of colorful paper. Photo # 2 Bend and unbend the sheet horizontally. Origami, making a simple vase of colorful paper. Picture №3 Fold the sheet in the form of a diamond. Then the rhomb that we got is carefully ironed with fingers or other flat object. Origami, making a simple vase of colorful paper. Photo №4 It is necessary to bend the right and left corners. We turn the workpiece of the future vase and with the corners that remain, we do the same as with the previous ones. We bend the left corner, unbend it and lower it to the middle. It is necessary to turn the valve and continue the previous action. The right corner, which is the last one, is bent to the center, it needs to be folded and adjusted along the lines that are outlined. This is shown on 17 and 18 photos. Origami, making a simple vase of colorful paper. Photo №5 After the work done, you should get the same thing on 19 photos. Lower corner bend and unbend. It will be necessary for the bottom of the future origami vase to be stable. Origami, making a simple vase of colorful paper. Photo №6 The product is ready. If somewhere at a certain stage you understand that the product is not such - do not worry. You can always unbend and see exactly what stage you made a mistake. The main thing is to fix it in time. In the event that you strictly followed the instructions and recommendations, the result should be good. Do not forget, the vase can be decorated with interesting patterns or various elements. Patterns are best done not with paint, but with a special solution. To do this, add a little manga to the glue. Top with beads, beads, rhinestones or sequins. If you are not too lazy and make flowers in the origami technique, then this can be a wonderful gift, for example, to your mother for any holiday. And gifts made with their own hands are always very valuable. Since it is in them that people invest their feelings, emotions, sensations, unlike gifts, bought in the store.

