Men's Knitting Knitting Patterns, Knitting Pullovers for Men Schemes, Knitting Patterns for Men's Pullover Schemes, Men's Knitting Patterns for Beginners

Men's Knitting Knitting Patterns, Knitting Pullovers for Men Schemes, Knitting Patterns for Men's Pullover Schemes, Men's Knitting Patterns for Beginners

We knit a men's pullover from melange yarnMost men love democratic things. In this article, we bring to your attention a master class on knitting an easy-to-make model, which will become much more impressive and original if you use melange threads in the process. However, when making a choice, be sure to take into account the wishes of the person for whom this item is intended. Knitting this pullover is not difficult and will not take much time.Elegant men's pullover with knitting needles. Photo №1According to the level of difficulty in making this pulloverranks second out of five possible. The instructions we offer are for size XL. To obtain information for other sizes, it is necessary to take the given data as a basis, while taking into account the knitting density. To make a pullover you will need:

  • 0.75 kg of yarn, like the color;
  • knitting needles (Straight # 5 and circular # 4,5).

Determine the knitting density:part of the product, measuring 10 cm x 10 cm, will correspond to seventeen loops to twenty-five rows. We decide on the knitting technique: during the manufacturing process we will use the following patterns: with a “two by two” elastic band; – in the rows of facial loops we make two LP (facial loops), two purl loops. Let's do a repeat. We also use stockinette stitch. We make LP in front rows, purl loops respectively in purl rows. Pullover pattern.Elegant men's pullover with knitting needles. Photo # 2We make the details of the product. We knit the back.Ninety stitches need to be cast on straight (or circular) knitting needles, number 4.5. 8 centimeters must be knitted with an elastic band, and you need to start with a purl loop. Next, we begin to work with knitting needles number five. We distribute the loops. Forty-six loops in the middle and then we knit with an elastic band, twenty-two loops (here you need to take into account the size of your product, since the number of loops will differ) on both sides we knit with stockinette stitch. We do this until we knit forty-two centimeters of the product. Then you need to close 4 loops on both sides, across the row – 2 more, 2 times through the row close another 1st. We begin to make the neckline when the armholes become twenty centimeters in length.Elegant men's pullover with knitting needles. Picture №3Before this, it is necessary to close the central twentysix loops. After which we create all the received parts separately. 2 times through the row you need to close one loop on the inside of the edge. All other loops must be closed after a part of the product with a height of twenty-two centimeters is formed. We knit the front part. We knit the front side of the product by analogy with the back. However, in this case, a satin stitch stripe is planned, and the neckline should also be a little deeper. Let us pay special attention to these differences. Having completed two centimeters from the edge of the armholes, we knit five centimeters in satin stitch, then we make an elastic band on the central forty-six loops. We work in this way until the length of the armhole reaches thirteen centimeters. And after that we create eighteen medium loops. Next we knit all the parts separately. 6 times through the row we remove one loop from the inside of the product. Those loops that remain must be closed when the distance from the armhole reaches twenty-two centimeters.Elegant men's pullover with knitting needles. Photo №4Knitting sleeves Also starting to knit(No. 4,5). You need to cast on forty-four stitches. "Ribbon" pattern you need to knit 8 centimeters, from the wrong side we repeat the “elastic band” on parts of the back and front. Then we replace the spokes with No. 5. We knit fourteen loops in the middle with an “elastic” pattern, and knit 15 loops on all sides with satin stitch. At the same time you need to pick up the loops. We knit one loop four times every 8 rows, and 11 times one loop on both sides. They are, of course, made using satin stitch. After knitting forty-nine loops, you need to close off six loops. Next we will close the loops, alternating through the row. Once you need to close 3 loops, then 2 loops – 10 times. Then close off 3 more loops. Those loops that remain after decreasing must be closed at the same time.Elegant men's pullover with knitting needles. Photo №5Assembling and finishing the pullover Beforeproceed to assembling the product, you need to lay out the pullover according to the pattern and put a damp cloth on top. Then dry. Next, we stitch the seams of the pullover on the sides. Then we work on the neckline. Using circular knitting needles, you need to pick up the loops that were set aside on the front. Next you need to cast on another seventy stitches. "Ribbon" pattern we knit eight centimeters. Then you need to sew on the collar. And only then we proceed to joining the product at the seams in the shoulders and sleeves. The latter need to be sharpened. All! Our pullover is complete!

