Making of cobwebs and a master class for making a snowman from them.
Every person has a New Year's Eveholidays there is a desire to decorate your home, and if all the decorations are the beautiful fruits of our creativity and imagination, then the festive atmosphere will become more magical and cozy. This article will help you master a new element of New Year's decor in the form of balls made of threads. Such balls look very beautiful, and you can make them very quickly without any financial costs. In addition to New Year's toys, they can be used as everyday interior decor, a lampshade and everything else that you have enough imagination for. In order to make such a New Year's ball, we will need those tools and materials that can be found in every home: oilcloth, a needle, scissors, PVA glue, petroleum jelly, threads and a balloon. If you decide to decorate your ball or make it more original, then you will need to prepare varnish, glitter, beads, sequins or something else at your discretion. Now let's start making. The first thing you should do is inflate the balloon to the size you need. Please note that if you want to make a composition from such balls, then a combination of different sizes will look much more interesting. It is worth noting that you need to watch the shape of the ball, the toy will look much better if it is round, not oval or elongated. The finished ball should either be hung somewhere or placed on the table. But in both cases, put some oilcloth underneath, otherwise you risk getting something dirty with glue. And in order for the threads not to stick firmly to the inflatable ball during work, you need to pre-grease it with something greasy: glycerin, petroleum jelly or something similar. It is best to apply such a product with cotton pads or tampons, the layer should not be too thick. Next, you need to pour some glue into a cut plastic half-liter bottle. Thread the thread through the needle and pierce the bottle through so that the thread gets wet in the glue. Here you need to consider some points: it is desirable that the holes are located at the very bottom for rational use of glue, and the holes should be larger than the thread in diameter. If the hole through which the thread passes is too small, the glue will self-clean and the thread will not stick to the balloon. You can do it differently: unwind a piece of thread, without cutting it, dip it in glue and immediately wind it onto the balloon.In both cases, when winding the threadson the ball, the coils should be as chaotic as possible. Do not spare the threads. The denser the layer of threads, the stronger the ball will be. When the work is done, the end of the thread should be cut and hidden under the coils. Moisten the ball with glue again, using the same cotton swab or disk. And leave it to dry for a day in a suspended state.
After it dries, pierce the airball and take it out through the holes of the web. Tie a string to the web ball for fastening. Now that the New Year's ball made of threads is ready, you can start decorating it. You can spray paint your ball and decorate it with ribbons, sequins, beads, rhinestones, etc.
These wonderful balls can also beuse for making various items. And since the topic is New Year, we will analyze the example of a snowman. To make it, you need to inflate the balloons into different shapes and make spider web balloons according to the principle described above.
All prepared “webs” need to beglue them together, the gluing point can be pressed a little so that they stick together more firmly. When the base of our snowman is ready, you need to mark the face. Draw the eyes on paper, the nose can be made from light Korean plasticine, paint the cheeks with available blush, use corrugated paper to make a scarf, broom and mouth. And now our Christmas tree decorations together with the snowman are ready to decorate your New Year's holiday.