Raven Mask with their own hands: options, photos, video / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Raven Mask with their own hands: options, photos, video / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

A rather unusual ugly mask of crows. It can be a New Year's, carnival, and the mask of crows is done in different ways. Some of them are suitable not only for children, but for adults. Beautiful true crows mask is easy, together it will become an excellent accessory on a New Year or other holiday.

Variant with spears

I want to share among the variety of simple versions of similar products in exactly the way that will cause delight. Crow MaskA question about how to make a crows mask should beanswer: what should it be? After using the creativity of feathers, convex elements, you can make chic options. It is possible to choose absolutely any colors, it is not necessary that it should be predominantly black. It is important that such a thing is suitable for a matinee, at a Halloween party, especially if you want to create an image, as in the "Crow Owl". Crow MaskProcess of creation:

  • We need to take the paper, which will form the basis of the product. It should be dense. A sheet of paper should be bent in half and create a mask template with the help of scissors and a pencil. Such templates can be found on the Internet, but they can also be evaluated independently.
  • Next, you need to draw holes for the eyes. Determine where the beak will be, draw a slit. It will need to be attached separately.
  • Then the product is cut out by the contour, as well as the planned holes inside. Between the eyes the distance should be small. This can be done by children.
  • Out of the map, you need to cut out the feathers. It is not necessary to be lazy, cut them out a little more, so the crow will be more beautiful.
  • The rubber band is fastened to the side of the craft, with the help of which it will stick to the face. A simple sewing gum is suitable for this. For ekrepleniya you can use a stationery stapler.
  • The bill is made of compact cardboard bent in half.
  • Leave a couple of centimeters to attach the beak to the mask.
  • Glue the beak well on the product.
  • We proceed to decoding. Feathers will appear bulky if you fold the lines in the middle.
  • A few small feathers will accurately disguise the area around the eyes.
  • Other options

    Carnival mask of a crow can be created not only from paper, it is possible to do it with your own hands or from a powder. Crow MaskAnother way is to use tissue. For this, a hat is made, preferably black. Pattern will suit either. The main thing here is to use a smooth fabric that will shine like the raven's feathers. After that, you can use real feathers or cut out paper. If the feathers are real, then they are stitched with a black thread with a black thread, they are stuck to the crochet, paper glues can be glued with glue. Beak, created from paper, is attached to the napa also. More simple variant is to download the face of the crows of the sirterna, cut it, glue it on the nape and ready. Everything depends on time and material vnalicii.Niuodnoy mother will no longer be asked how to make a mask for crows, as in the case of "Crow orbits." All the above methods are simple and accessible.

