A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands.

A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands.

Many flowers are made by needlewomen andcraftsmen from paper, threads, napkins and so on. The variety of materials for making this beautiful plant provides scope for the imagination of craftsmen. Today I want to tell you how to weave a carnation from rubber bands. The work takes about fifteen minutes, and the result exceeds all expectations.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands. Photo # 1To make a carnation, we will need:

  • Rubber bands;
  • hook;
  • thread;
  • needle (invisible);
  • wand.

This is perhaps one of the easiest and fastestways to create a flower. In this way, you can weave not only a carnation, but also a rose. Let's make a chain of 40 links of red rubber bands. Of course, you can take any other color, but still, most often we see red flowers. You can also weave a two-color carnation. But then it is better to take two shades of one color and weave the first row lighter.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the gum from the gum with our own hands .. Photo # 2And now we weave as if backwards.We lower the hook into the first link and pass one elastic band through it, not paying attention to the loops already on the hook. We need to grab another 1 and transfer all the loops that are currently on the hook to it. Next, we need to skip one link and lower the hook into the next link. We pass one elastic band through it. We need to grab another 1 and transfer all the loops that are currently on the hook to it. This is how we will weave to the end of the chain.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave a carnation from the gum with our own hands .. Photo # 3When we weave a new row, we will lower the hook not into the links, but into the holes in our element.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands .. Photo # 4And in this row our actions will be slightly different. We lower the hook into the hole and pull out one elastic band. Then we pass one elastic band through the first three on the hook.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands .. Photo # 5And we place all the rubber bands on one.We lower the hook again into the same hole and repeat. And once again we repeat our action. That is, we must weave into each hole three times. As a result, our weaving will begin to twist slightly.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave a carnation from the rubber bands. Photo # 6When the row is finished, we need to form the flower itself. To do this, thread the needle or hook it onto an invisible pin and gather the weaving onto it.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with their own hands .. Photo # 7We pull the threads as tightly as possible and tie them.two knots. Cut off the extra threads and shape the flower. Now we need to continue it. Here we will need a loom with two rows. We hook any six loops of the flower and put them on the posts. It is better to take the loops as close to the middle as possible.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave a carnation from the rubber bands. Photo # 8We will arrange pairs of green ones in these columns.rubber bands, turning them in a figure eight. We seem to connect six columns of two rows. A rectangle of rubber bands is formed. Now we throw the red loops from all the columns with a crochet hook, passing them over these columns. Now we also arrange pairs of rubber bands along the rectangle, but straight. That is, now we do not need to turn them in the form of a figure eight. We throw the bottom two rubber bands. Weave 2 more times exactly the same rows in green. Do not forget to discard the bottom layer from each column of each row each time. We pull the rubber bands from the last columns to the previous ones and discard the bottom layer. Now there are four columns left. Two in each row. Weave once. We transfer the rubber bands again. And finally, we have only two columns left, one in each row.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave a carnation from the rubber bands. Photo # 9We insert a stick into the center of the flower. And now we will make the stem.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands .. Photo # 10Just pull one rubber band over twocolumn and throw off the lower rubber bands. Put the rubber bands on this stick too. We will simply braid it. Repeat this to the end. Throw the last rubber bands onto this stick. You don’t need to tie anything, the stem won’t fall apart anyway. This is how you can create a carnation very quickly.A master class with a detailed description and a photo will show how to weave the ginger from the gum with our own hands. Photo # 1

