Master class on making red flower in Kansas technique with photo and step by step instruction
Atlas is an amazing material, from itnot only festive clothes are created, but also flowers that look gentle and natural. This master class describes how to create a wonderful flower from satin ribbons that will suit dark hair and a scarlet outfit.
To create a flower, prepare:
You need to cut the ribbons into identical squares.size. Since the width of the ribbon is 4 cm (or 38 mm), the size of the blanks will be 4 by 4 cm. The number of red elements should be 18, and 9 black. You will also need one piece of cloth to create the base, a flower will be glued to it on one side, and a hair clip on the other.
To create red single irregular petals of a round shape, the blank must be bent as in the photo.
The next step is to fold the corners to the bottom right angle.
Then turn the workpiece inside out so that the element folds in half, but with the front side facing out. Use tweezers to firmly clamp the base of the future petal and hold it in this position.
Use scissors to cut off the bottom of the petal to even out all the layers.
Using a lighter, singe the base of the element. The flame should heat up all the layers of the satin, and because you hold the tweezers in a compressed state, all the layers will fuse.
Create 9 identical petals. They will be needed for the second layer of the flower.
The main petals in the flower are two-layered.They are more difficult to make, so the process of single-layer petals is described first, so that you can get the hang of it. For these petals, bend the black blank along the diagonal fold.
Then fold again to form a four-layer element.
Then, from the red blank, fold a round petal using the algorithm described above.
The red element is inserted into the black blank so that it takes the central place.
Cut off the bottom of the petal and carefully solder it over a flame.
Double petals are sewn together at the very edgeround flower, and is glued to a round base, which must be prepared in advance from satin (diameter about 2 cm). Then glue single red elements between the large double petals.
Turn the work over and use hot glue to attach a clip to the base, which can be used to place the flower on a dress, belt, or pin it to strands of hair.
A charming flower in the kanzashi technique suits any formal look.