Master-class in the technique of facing: sunflowers with their own hands on the 2015 Competition, crafts for the garden with their own hands

Master-class in the technique of facing: sunflowers with their own hands on the 2015 Competition, crafts for the garden with their own hands

Sunflowers!Interesting flowers - sunflowers are created by own hands from different materials. In this master class you will find a fascinating process of creating a sunflower from seeds .. Photo # 1Torsion is a technique of creationoriginal crafts, souvenirs, postcards, paintings and other products. This type of applied art seems to be created for the joint creativity of parents and children, because it provides an opportunity to spend free time together and bring original ideas to life. To make all kinds of crafts using this technique, you will need plain or corrugated paper. Such a magnificent picture "Sunflowers" can be made both by an adult and together with children. The master class includes the following steps: first of all, you need to prepare all the material for work, and since this requires small pieces of paper, it needs to be cut. To do this, you need to cut off a strip approximately half 1 cm thick from an unrolled roll; the resulting strips need to be cut into squares; the master class when working with a drawing involves treating all the black lines on the image with glue; placing the end of a toothpick in the middle of the square, you need to twist it tightly; The end-graining at this stage is done as follows: without removing the piece from the toothpick, it must be attached to the drawing on the part greased with glue so that it remains on it; further actions are similar to the previous ones. Moreover, the end-graining technique requires placing individual tubes as close to each other as possible. This will provide the drawing with greater expressiveness, the so-called terryness, and as a result, you will get a wonderful picture of sunflowers!

