Master class on creating roses from Atlas in Kansas technique with step-by-step instructions and photo

Master class on creating roses from Atlas in Kansas technique with step-by-step instructions and photo

Delicate roses are often created from variousmaterials - paper, beads, clay, etc. This master class illustrates the process of creating flowers from satin using the kanzashi technique. Such roses are perfect as a brooch and will decorate the most exquisite dress, they look like real ones and complement a business or romantic image.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №1To create roses you will need:

  • Ribbon of raspberry satin. The color can be selected and darker or more delicate, the choice of the palette depends on your preferences and wardrobe.
  • Black chiffon.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • A wood burner (such used by children forburning out drawings on boards, etc.). In extreme cases, it is possible to replace the burner with a soldering iron, but considering the temperature difference, it is necessary to work faster and more harmoniously with the second tool, otherwise matter will burn.
  • Ruler made of metal.
  • Hot glue, which is obtained by heating the rods with a special gun.
  • Needle with black thread.
  • Black satin fabric.
  • Triangle of cardboard with sides of 10 cm.
  • 10. A pin or special fastening for a brooch.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo # 2Cut the raspberry ribbon into squares.If you do this with scissors, then burn each created element over a flame so that the edges do not fray. It is easier to make cuts immediately with burning of the edge, this can be easily done with a burner under a metal ruler. The number of squares is about 20 for each rose, that is, not less than 60 in total.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Picture №3All petals are created according to the same algorithm by means of simple actions. First, the workpiece is bent from the upper corner in the direction of the opposite lower one.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №4The sharp edges are brought to the bottom corner but in such a way,so that there is no peak-shaped angle at the top in the center, but a small distance. It is this distance that determines the shape of the petal, reminiscent of a rose leaf. And elements with sharp ends will look different, and when gluing the flower will not lie properly.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №5Clamp the folded workpiece with a ruler and cut off the bottom 3 mm with a wood burner. The result is a scattering of similar elements like these:Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №6Once the petals are created, begin assembling the flower. The first petal will imitate a bud, so fold it inward to the middle and apply hot glue along the bottom of the base.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №7Next, roll the petal into a tube to the end and press the work a little so that the glue sticks the edges of the element together.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №8The next petal closes the bud, it is glued with the joint facing outward. The adhesive mass should be applied only to the lower part of the part, and not over the entire surface of the satin petal.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 9The third petal is placed opposite the second (if we consider the first to be a bud). Then the next pair of petals is glued opposite each other.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Picture №10The bending point should always face outward. Each petal is glued at the level of the lower edge of the inflorescence.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 11Form a beautiful rose from about 20 petals. Its smooth satin petals will play in the sun and look very impressive.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo number 12To add volume and shade to the flower, use a black chiffon "skirt". To make it, fold the fabric in half, the width should be about 2 cm. Cut out a piece 20 cm long.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №13Sew the edges with regular stitches, tighten the fabric so that the diameter of the inner ring does not exceed 35 mm. The edges of the "skirt" are glued with a drop of hot glue.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 14Apply some cream to the bottom of the rose to attach it to the black fabric.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo number 15You will get such a beautiful rose:Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo number 16You will need a thick material as the base for the brooch.a piece of cardboard in the shape of an equilateral triangle. This part needs to be covered with black fabric, it is recommended to solder the edges with a burner. A pin is glued in the center.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo number 17Glue the roses in each corner of the base so that in the middle they fit tightly together, there should be no gaps anywhere.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 18 Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 19Let the work dry for 10 minutes, and during the first minute press the roses to the base so that the glue adheres well to all layers.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo number 20A great brooch of three roses is ready! It can be worn on holidays and combined with a casual dress.Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 21 Step-by-step instructions for creating roses from the atlas with your own hands. Photo Number 22

