Master class on creating a tilde “Italian chef” with your own hands. Detailed instructions with photos

Master class on creating a tilde “Italian chef” with your own hands. Detailed instructions with photos

Tilda is a variety of soft,interesting to sew dolls that decorate rooms. Today, this activity is gaining momentum, becoming more popular every day, displacing ordinary hobbies of people. You can already find patterns of both the tilde dolls themselves and clothes for them on the pages of magazines. Both children and adults are fond of this interesting, funny activity. We offer a master class on sewing a tilde cook.tilda dollTo sew an Italian Tilda chef, you will need patterns, fabric, threads, scissors, free time and imagination.tilda dollStage one. Preparing the parts for the chef. Cut out all the body parts from the fabric and sew them together, leaving slits for stuffing.tilda dollSecond stage.Stuff the body parts with cotton wool or something soft. We sew the doll's body with the cut inside, not forgetting to insert and sew its legs. After the legs have taken their place, we begin to tan the chef.tilda dollThird stage. Brew strong coffee. Using a piece of foam rubber, apply it to the resulting body, from all sides. This should be done fairly quickly. Dry in the oven for a couple of minutes.tilda dollStage four. Let's get to the clothes. Take the checkered fabric and cut out the pants. Glue the bottom and top of the pants with adhesive web. Sew them with a zigzag stitch and try them on to the tilde.tilda dollFifth stage.When the trousers are ready, you can proceed to the chef's jacket. For it, we will need white linen. Immediately after the pattern, sew and iron the shoulder seams in different directions. Sew on the sleeves, now you can try it on again to determine the length. Glue the edges of the jacket with adhesive web. Measure with a ruler where the buttons will be sewn. Now you can put the finished chef's jacket on the tilda.tilda dollStage six. Transforming our chef.We will draw the eyes with acrylic paints, we will make the mustache from a piece of black wool, fixing them with a needle and thread, hiding the knot at the back of the head. We make a chef's hat from white fabric, of course, we can't forget about the apron.tilda dollStage seven. Sewing an apron.This is a fairly easy item that anyone can sew. Take red fabric, cut out two pieces, one for a pocket, the second main piece and a belt. Sew the prepared pieces together. You can also make a kerchief for a cook's neck from red material.tilda dollStage eight. Decorating the chef. Connect all the accessories, install the Italian chef on the stand. We have the perfect tilde that will decorate any kitchen.

