Master class: tilde winter angel / Toys by own hands, patterns, video, MK

Master class: tilde winter angel / Toys by own hands, patterns, video, MK

Author: Splintering Hello, dear needlewomen. Today you will have another master class on sewing tildes. A winter angel will replenish his collection with a tilde doll. For convenience, I broke the master class into two stages: sewing clothes for the doll and, in fact, sewing the tilde itself. tilde winter angel

Master-class on tailoring of winter tildes

We need the following materials:

  • solid color fabric "tan" for the base (linen, calico, chintz);
  • filler (fluff, cotton wool, holofayber);
  • bamboo stick for stuffing;
  • hair yarn;
  • thread for embroidery (mulina, iris);
  • pencil and blush for "make-up".

Operating procedure:

  • Since the legs of our angel will be in boots (onyard winter after all), we will need a fabric preparation, consisting of white cotton and flax. The technology of making double fabric can be seen in the master class for beginners. Usually I make such a semi-finished product with a stock and add to my collection of blanks.
  • Fold the required cuts in half and transfer them to thempattern. We break the fabric with pins and sew on the sewing machine, not forgetting how to remove the pins. Then we cut out the details, stepping back from the edge 3-4 mm and making incisions in the corners.
  • All the details are turned out and ironed, thenstuffed with a holofiber. "Joints" of the doll - knees and elbows in addition stitched with small stitches. We collect the "dismemberment": we sew our legs and hands to the trunk with a secret seam.
  • On sapozhkah embroider lacing. We can not hide a bundle, so we can do without it. We begin to sew a little in the distance, and then pull the thread so that the tip hides. We finish by the same principle: we deduce in the end a boot, we cut off and we hide a thread (it is required to mash up a preparation a little).
  • Dress the doll (master class for tailoring andDresses are presented below). Then we make a hairdo. Of the many collections of hairstyles for the tild represented on the Internet, I prefer the classic "braids" or "tails".
  • Between the pins we wind the right amount"Hair" and cut at the ends. A few small stitches sew the wig to the head and braid the braids. We put on the head a winter cap, crocheted (the knitting scheme is taken from Sandra magazine) and fix it to the hair.
  • What kind of angel without wings? We will make them from the same fabric as the dress. The fabric is thin, so we strengthen it with non-woven fabric. Then fold the workpiece in half and draw a pattern.
  • Having sewed on a contour on the machine, we turn out wings and carefully iron. At the edge of the stitching on the typewriter again (at the same time sew a slot through which to turn out).
  • Master class for making clothes for tildes

    Prepare the following materials:

    • non-loose fabric for a coat (fur, felt, fleece, fine-grained drape);
    • cotton fabric for the skirt;
    • braid or lace.

    Operating procedure:

  • For a dress, take a piece of cloth about 20 to 30cm, we process the edges. Tape or lace for decoration is better to sew at this stage. The fabric is folded in half and cut off the corners of sufficient size so that the hand of the tilde crawls through. The places of the incisions are tucked and pierced.
  • Sew the two halves together and ironthe seam. Next, in small stitches we sew the neck and pull it straight on the doll. Thus, without extra efforts and patterns, we got a sundress for our tilde.
  • We transfer the pattern of the coat to the fabric. To determine the size, I usually apply a body to the pattern and decide to reduce or, conversely, increase the pattern. We sew internal seams and iron the workpiece. Then sew the collar and stitch it already along the outer seams.
  • That's all. Now, I hope you can also sew a winter angel for your tild collection. finished tilde And I, in turn, will go to prepare another master class.

