The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper

The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper

In the New Year holidays, I always want to believe in miracles and give good gifts. One such souvenir can be such a paper fir-tree, made in the technique of contour cutting. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo №1 To work on its production, such materials and devices are needed:

  • sheet of cardboard green,
  • small pieces of heavy paper of different colors,
  • Double-sided tape,
  • cutting knife,
  • figured punchers,
  • scissors and glue.

These are the patterns of the two details of the future tree and toys. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo # 2 You can transfer them to paper in two ways. In the first case, you need to print the stencils on white paper and attach a stapler to the green cardboard. In the second variant, you can print them right on the cardboard. In this case, the traces of toner remain on the paper, which must be removed with an eraser. This is done after the details are ready. Cut out the Christmas tree pattern using a knife. The drawing is not the easiest, so we do not hurry. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Picture №3 In the obtained blanks we cut the connection lines: in one - from below, in the other - at the top. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo №4 Gently join the billets in a Christmas tree. Align it from all sides. To make the stiffness below, you can glue the fixing strips from the same green paper. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo №5 Now we begin to create Christmas tree toys. You can not only use ready-made templates, but also create your own, using figured composters. It can be flowers, butterflies, snowflakes, hearts - all that you want to decorate our souvenir. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo №6 Now we paste the resulting decorations on each of the 4 branches of our tree from both sides. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo №7 We try to alternate toys in color and shape. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo №8 Decoration for the top of the head come up yourself - I used a bright snowflake. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Photo Number 9 The height of the herringbone was 18 cm. You can make it and a larger size, but in this case, you need to work with paper with a density of more than 190 g / m2. Here is such a wonderful-smart New Year's souvenir created! The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a New Year's 3D Christmas tree made of paper. Picture №10

