The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials

The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials

Of course, we want our kids to bethe most intelligent and talented. Developing toys are aimed at forming various abilities of children. They are now filled with store shelves. But they are not cheap. And if you do it yourself? If you are a resourceful landlady, then for sure you have different colors and textures of scraps, buttons, etc. All this can be used to create educational toys. In this master class we sew a toy "Dump truck". Of course, this toy is primarily for the boy, but, perhaps, will interest the girls. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №1 So, we need materials:

  • shreds of fabrics of different colors,
  • button,
  • two necks with unscrewing lids from plastic bottles,
  • sewing thread,
  • soft plastic,
  • transparent all-purpose adhesive.


  • scissors,
  • stationery knife,
  • a piece of chalk,
  • sewing needle.


  • sewing machine,
  • iron.

Description: Draw an arbitrary pattern of the truck application. Cut out details from the fabric, preferably contrasting colors. We sew and sew them to the square shred of cloth - the background. We are planning chalk for future wheels. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo # 2 There are four parts for the body - two are symmetrical to the other two. Sew the parts in pairs so that the front side of the fabric is outside. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Picture №3 Sew the resulting two parts together, leaving the top uncrosslinked. It turns out a pocket. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №4 In the places intended for the wheels, we cut the crosses. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №5 We fold the corners inside out, sweep it. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №6 Stitching. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №7 From the bottles cut off the neck, the very top with a thread + 1 cm Insert the neck threaded out. We paste them on transparent universal glue. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №8 To fix the body we sweep the loop on it. And on the background sew button. Due to this, the body can overturn. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo Number 9 The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Picture №10 To the background, we sew exactly the same piece of fabric, so that the seam is inside, leaving one side unattached. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo Number 11 We insert inside the material cut off on the size. At us it is porous material for warming. The remaining unshielded side is sewn by hand. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo number 12 The wheel-wheels should be stocked. While this master-class was being written, the wheel-covers have already changed for the described machine. The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №13 The toy is ready! The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo №1 The master class will teach you how to make your own hands a developing toy from improvised materials. Photo number 15 How can I play with the machine: to type in a body a toy, bricks, sweets. Recruit them on the account: one, two, three ... If you prepare several pairs of wheels, i.e. lids of different colors, then you can study the colors: screw and twist the yellow wheels, or green, etc. Author: Marakova Katerina

