A master class with a photo will teach how to make a headband for girls in Kansas technique
Flowers made using the kanzashi technique are alwayslook unusual and festive. Any girl in such handmade jewelry will attract attention. The technique of making flowers requires a lot of effort and patience, accuracy and precision. Otherwise, the work will look unaesthetic. But do not be afraid to try, a little practice and your flowers will please the eyes of others. Today I suggest making a headband - "Athena" for a baby, decorated with a spectacular chrysanthemum. I think this work will suit those who have already dealt with satin ribbons, for beginners the work may seem difficult.So, let's be patient and get started! For work we will need:
- satin ribbons 0.5 cm wide, gold and white (approximately 5 m);
- satin ribbon 2.5 cm in red;
- beads of red color;
- glue gun or Moment Crystal glue;
- scissors;
- lighter.
The good thing about the kanzashi technique is that it is quite possibledo without glue and a hot gun, because beginners may not have them at hand. Then a needle and thread will come to the rescue. All the details of the flower and the headband can be fixed with a thread, it will be no worse. We work in a way that is most convenient for everyone. Let's start our work with weaving the headband. We take narrow ribbons 0.5 cm wide, put one on top of the other at a right angle and fix with glue.Now we make loops from gold and white ribbon.
We pass one loop through the other.
We tighten and continue alternating in this manner until the braid reaches the desired length.
For a one-year-old baby, I wove 44 cm.
Be careful when weaving, do nottighten the loops tightly, as the ribbons can wrinkle and the product will be deformed. At the end of the weaving, cut the ribbons and fix them with glue. To prevent the edges of the ribbons from crumbling, you need to singe them with a lighter. This way the product will look aesthetically pleasing and will last a long time. Glue the ribbon to the back of the product with glue.
This way the bandage won't deform or stretch. I glued an elastic band in two folds to the edges of the bandage and wrapped the joints with the tails of the satin ribbon, securing it with glue.
This way the bandage will be more functionalbetter to lie on the head. Let's put the resulting bandage aside and start making the flower. To do this, we take a red satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide and cut it into rectangles 5 cm long.
These are our future petals, and the more of themwill be, the more magnificent the flower will be. But keep in mind that the flower's weight also depends on its magnificence. We make it so that it is comfortable for the young beauty to wear it. For a baby, I think 16-20 petals will be enough. This is both magnificent enough and not noticeable when worn. The most difficult part begins - modeling the petals. We bend the rectangle horizontally with the front side up, the fold at the top.
Then we cut the corner at a 45-degree angle with scissors and immediately singe the edge with a lighter, holding it so that the edges stick together.
You can use tweezers, but that's what I do.with bare hands. Now we bend the lower corners to the center on the front side and also singe, gluing them together. This is the petal we end up with
We do this with all the rectangles. The petals are ready.
Let's start assembling our flower. For the base, we cut out a circle from the same ribbon and singe the edges.
We begin to glue the petals in a circle, placing them close to each other.
We glue the second row with a slight shift towards the center. We place the petals in the spaces between the previous ones.
Now you need to decorate the center of the flower. You can glue a beautiful button, rhinestones. Today we will decorate the flower with beads - we will glue them with a hot glue gun. The flower is ready.
Glue the flower to the side of the headband. That's it, you can try on the spectacular decoration. Any fashionista will be irresistible in such a headband. My girls are ready for the holidays!
Thank you for your attention, good luck!