Master-class with step-by-step photos will teach how to make a home-made snowman from felt
The New Year holidays are approaching and, of course,the main attribute of the New Year's interior is a festively decorated Christmas tree. I really want to dress up the forest beauty with original and bright toys. With the help of this master class, you can learn how to make an original decoration for a New Year's tree, namely - a felt snowman pendant. For work, you will need the following materials and tools:
- clerical file;
- cardboard;
- Felt white, red and orange;
- sackcloth;
- threads of different colors (white, red, black, brown);
- decorative twine;
- red satin ribbon;
- Sequins;
- hololiber;
- Universal adhesive Titan (Titan Wild);
- a simple pencil, a pencil of red color;
- scissors.
First, let's prepare a snowman stencil from cardboard.
Cut out the cardboard stencil and transfer the design onto white felt.
Felt blanks of a snowman, you will need two pieces
Put one felt half aside and embroider eyes on the other half using black thread.
Our snowman needs a carrot nose, for this we cut out a small triangle from orange felt.
Apply glue to one side of the felt triangle.
And we wrap the side corners towards the center.
You should get a small cone that will serve as the nose for the snowman. Apply glue to the bottom of the felt cone.
And we attach the nose to the snowman’s face.
Now we embroider the mouth with red thread.
And, of course, don't forget to add a blush to the snowman; this can be easily done with a red pencil.
Let's start making the hat. Cut out two hat blanks from red felt.
We put them together and sew the semicircular sides with an overlock stitch.
We cut the top, unstitched part of the hat into small strips, thus obtaining a tassel on the top of the hat.
From a piece of red satin ribbon we will make a loop, tying its ends together into a knot.
We place the loop knot into the free hole at the top of the cap.
And we tighten the hat tassel with a thread together with the satin loop. The snowman's hat is ready.
We sew the two felt snowman blanks together with an overlock stitch, but not completely, we need an opening through which we can fill the snowman with stuffing.
We fill the snowman's body with holofiber.
Now you can finally sew the two halves of the snowman together.
Apply a little glue to the top of the snowman's head.
And we securely fasten the cap on his head.
The main attributes in the snowman's hands arebroom and a gift bag. Let's start making them, let's start with a broom. Apply universal glue to a stationery file, but don't just pour it, draw a broom with it.
Now we place pieces of decorative twine on the glue and put the file aside until the glue is completely dry.
While the broom is drying, so as not to waste time, let's make a bag. From burlap, cut out two rectangles with rounded edges on one side.
Sew the two parts of the bag along three sides, leaving one straight edge free.
We fill the bag with stuffing.
We decorate the gift bag with sequins and tie it with twine. The bag is ready.
Now let's go back to the broom, it should be completely dry. Carefully separate the twine rope from the file.
We cut off the excess glue and the broom is ready.
Glue a bag of gifts to one handle of the snowman, and a broom to the other. The pendant snowman is ready.