Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description

Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description

Traditions of decorating Christmas trees on New Year's Eve andChristmas has been around for many hundreds of years. According to legend, people started decorating Christmas trees for the holiday at the beginning of the 16th century. The first toys were edible – apples, wafers, various sweets, cookies and nuts. Later, paper flowers appeared. In the 18th century, spruce branches were decorated with gilded cones, small fairies made of brass. Tin was used to make tinsel, wires were twisted into spirals and flattened. Silver foil was used for butterflies, stars and other decorations. The first glass toy appeared on the Christmas tree in the middle of the 19th century. One year in Europe turned out to be a poor harvest, and there was nothing to decorate the tree with. Then glassblowers from the city of Lauscha created the first glass ball in history, which resembled the traditional decoration for the Christmas tree – an apple. In Russia, people began decorating the Christmas tree after the decree of Peter I in 1700. Nowadays, Christmas tree toys and decorations are not at all uncommon. Bright and delicate, huge and very tiny, you can find toys and tinsel for every taste in shops. At the same time, it will be much more interesting to make a Christmas tree toy yourself. An excellent material for creating new and decorating ready-made New Year's decorations is beads. Small multi-colored beads of various colors and shapes are perfect for these purposes. There are many options for beaded decorations for a Christmas tree, there are very complex, almost jewelry-like ones, there are simple and easy ones, such can be made together with children, which will add even more warmth and fun to everyone's favorite holiday. This is the kind of Christmas tree toy that is suggested to be made in the first master class. If the baby has already grown up and does not drag everything interesting into his mouth, he can be involved in creating a fun Christmas tree decoration.Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo №1You will need:

  • Multi-colored beads of large size;
  • The chenille wire (shaggy).

Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo # 2For each ball you will need 4 wires.You need to twist them together in the center, it is better to do this in pairs. You will get only 8 rays, beads are strung on them. Leave the tails free.Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Picture №3 Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo №4After all the rays are decoratedbeads, twist the loose ends and shape them into a hook, which you can then use to hang the ball on the tree. You can add volume to the bead strings to make a ball or leave them in the form of a multi-colored cane.Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo №5 Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo №6Or don't fold and twist the tails, butBend slightly to secure the beads, then you get a bright snowflake. And you can make all the options for decorations. Such a wonderful Christmas tree toy will not only be a cute touch on the holiday tree. Working with hands and fingers will strengthen the child's fine motor skills, contribute to the development of creative thinking and imagination of the baby. The following few decorations are very easy to make and are suitable for beginners. You will need:

  • Multicolored beads of different shapes and sizes;
  • Multicolored glass beads of different shapes and sizes;
  • Different in shape and size Swarovski crystals;
  • Multicolored pearls of different sizes;
  • Wireworm 0.3 mm;
  • Line (thick and thin for braiding balls);
  • Christmas balls for braiding.

Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo №7The braiding of the Christmas tree ball starts with the firsttiers, where 1 blue and 3 light blue beads alternate. (This is the type of beads used for this master class, you can choose the colors you like). Having strung a certain number of beads, close the circle. For the second circle, the line passes from the blue bead, string 3 light blue, 1 blue and again 3 light blue beads, pass the line into the next blue bead of the first circle. And so on to the end. For each circle, the line should come out of the blue bead. In the third circle (the line comes out of the blue bead of the second circle), string 5 light blue, 1 blue and again 5 light blue beads on the line, pass the line into the next blue bead of the second circle. Each cell contains 11 beads. For the fourth circle, 15 beads are needed. Several such rows are needed, depending on the size of the selected ball. When there are enough of them, put the bead blank on the ball and start weaving rows in decreasing order. First, a circle of 11 beads in a cell, then of 7, then of 3. At the end, tighten the fishing line. Cute bead angels are woven from the very bottom using the parallel weaving technique.Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo №8String 10 onto a piece of fishing line of a convenient size.beads for the first row, move them to the center of the line, cross the tails of the line in the next row of 9 beads. Then string 1 bead less in each subsequent row, alternating different beads, as shown in the diagram. When the triangular body ends with 1 bead, string 9 beads on the tails of the line, then pass both ends of the wire through one large bead. For a large angel, the line is passed through a ring with rhinestones, for a small one - into a Swarovski crystal. Then for a large angel, string 1 small bead and cross both tails of the line in a ring of 8 small beads. For a small angel, cross both ends of the line after the Swarovski crystal in a loop of 8 beads. You can hang the angels on the Christmas tree using these loops. Christmas trees, like angels, are made using the parallel weaving technique from thin wire.Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo Number 9The first two rows will have 3 beads each.serve as a leg for the tree. Then string 19 beads and cross both wire tails in them. The proposed scheme can be slightly changed, the upper rows can be made wider, string more or less crystals or beads of a contrasting color. At the end, make a loop, similar to the angels for fastening. The following New Year's decorations in the form of balls will require some skills in beading, a lot of patience and attention. However, looking at your creations, you will not regret your efforts for a minute. Such wonderful Christmas tree decorations will not only come in handy for the New Year celebration. They will be an excellent gift, because each such multi-colored ball contains a piece of the creative energy of the creator.Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Picture №10You will need:

  • Directly Christmas tree ball, which must be braided, 7 cm;
  • Drop-like pendants made of glass;
  • Pearls 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm;
  • The glass beaker is 3 cm in length;
  • Transparent and gold beads 10/0 and gold beads 12/0;
  • Beads Twin;
  • The line.

Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo Number 11 Master classes on weaving various Christmas decorations, photos, charts, description. Photo number 12Stringing on the fishing line, alternate 12 beads of 4 mm and12 бисерин Твин. Связать в колечко. Леску пропустить во второе отверстие бисерины Твин, набрать 3 бисеринки прозрачных и снова продеть леску во второе отверстие следующей бисеринки твин. Так до конца круга. Пропустить леску в первое отверстие бисеринки Твин. Нанизать 2 золотых бисеринки 12/0, 1 золотистую 10/0 и две золотых 12/0, леску пропустить во второй Твин (в первое отверстие). Так до конца круга. Леску пропустить в золотую бисеринку 10/0, нанизать 3 золотых бисеринки 12/0, снова пропустить леску в золотую бисеринку 10/0. Так оплести весь круг. Леска выходит из центральной прозрачной бисеринки тройки, которыми собирался второй круг. Нанизать 12 прозрачных бисеринок и замкнуть в колечко вместе с центральной из тройки. Нанизать жемчужинку 2 мм, леску пропустить в 2 центральные из 12 бисерин, леску пропустить в обратную сторону через жемчужинку и центральную из трех бисеринок второго круга. Леску пропустить через бисеринки так, чтобы она выходила из следующей средней из трех бисерин второго круга. Нанизать 9 прозрачных бисеринок, пропустить леску через десятую и одиннадцатую бисеринки первой петельки, нанизать еще 1 прозрачную бисеринку, замкнуть в кольцо и закрепить жемчужинку. Плести круг из петелек, для последней из них нанизать 1 бисеринку, пропустить леску во вторую и третью бисеринки первой петельки, нанизать 6 бисеринок, пропустить леску в десятую и одиннадцатую бисеринки предыдущей петельки, нанизать 1 бисеринку, замкнуть в колечко и нанизать жемчужинку. Начинать плести цепочку по горизонтали. Отдельно сплести цепочку: нанизать 1 бисеринку Твин, 6 прозрачных бисеринок, 1 Твин и одну бусинку 4 мм. Леску пропустить в первую бисеринку Твин в обратном направлении в то же отверстие. Нанизать 6 бисеринок, пропустить леску во вторую бисеринку Твин. Леску продеть во второе отверстие второго Твина, нанизать 6 бисеринок, 1 бисеринку Твин и одну бусинку. Продеть леску в обратном направлении в первую бисеринку твин этой петельки. Нанизать 2 бисеринки, одну бисеринку Твин, 2 бисеринки, пропустить леску во вторую бисеринку твин этой петельки. Плетя цепочку, чередовать четыре бисеринки Твин по краю и четыре бусинки без Твинов. Она должна быть по длине равна обхвату шара. В колечко не связывать. Работу отложить. Прикрепить новый отрезок лески за две нижние бисеринки любой петли. На один хвостик нанизать четыре серебряных бисеринки 10/0, на второй хвостик нанизать 1 серебристую бисеринку твин, 1 обычную бисеринку. Перекрестить оба хвостика еще в двух нанизанных бисеринках. Сплести 6 таких, бисеринки твин располагать на одной стороне. Последнее из этих звеньев закрепить к горизонтальной цепочке (ее сделали и отложили). Один хвостик лески закрепить. На второй нанизать бусинку 6 мм и пропустить леску через две бисеринки в конце звена цепочки. Таким же методом прикрепить бусинки в каждом звене. Сплести аналогичную заготовку, отступив 1 петельку от первой цепочки, но бисеринки Твин расположить на другой стороне звеньев. Низ цепочки прикрепить к горизонтальной заготовке, отступив от предыдущей 4 звена. Леску пропустить в нижний твин (правый угол), расположенный вертикально. По рисунку сплести сеточку из золотого бисера. Необходимо четыре заготовки с сетками. Между заготовками набрать и закрепить цепочку из бисеринок и каплевидного кристалла. Пункт 13 на схеме демонстрирует соединение горизонтальной цепочки с бисеринками Твин по краям в круг.

