Master classes for the manufacture of beautiful handicrafts from shishechek with their own hands with descriptions and photos.
Each of us knows what they arepine cones. But not everyone can imagine what beautiful crafts can be created with their own hands from this unique gift of nature. In this article, we will tell you in detail about what original products can be made from pine cones. We will talk not only about school crafts, but also about New Year's decor items. With a little imagination, you can quickly and easily decorate the interior of your home with unique things.Before we get down to the creative stuff,process, get acquainted with the main principles of work: Cones are able to change their shape at high temperatures - they can open up a lot. To fix the shape of the cone, before you start working, you need to dip it in a mixture of slightly warmed glue (wood). For about half a minute, and then dry. As a result, you will be able to avoid unnecessary deformations of the already completed product. And, conversely, to change the shape of the cone, you need to dip it in water. After that, tie the cone with a rope, giving the desired shape, and dry. Thanks to such simple rules, your "cone" crafts will always be distinguished by beauty and neatness. Several ideas for creating crafts from cones with your child with your own hands
Cones can be an excellent material incrafts that you can make together with your child. Therefore, walking in the forest in the fall, collect more cones, suitable for making crafts all winter long. Next, we offer a couple of simple crafts from cones. New Year's decor.
Most often, cones are used as decoration.for the New Year's interior. At the same time, they can be hung all over the house in the form of pine garlands or mini-Christmas trees in pots. The simplest option would be golden cones. New Year's pendants made of cones This craft is made quite simply. You will only need a cone and a ribbon of satin fabric. Decorations for a Christmas tree made of pine cones An interesting idea for creating a craft from cones are other types of decorations for the forest beauty. First, you make the craft together with your child, and then decorate the tree with them.
New Year's wreath of pine cones No lessan original idea - creating a New Year's wreath of pine cones with your own hands. You can use it to decorate the doors or walls of your home. You can also try to insert dried flowers, ribbons or other details into it to create a real work of art.
New Year's decoration of a chandelier with pine cones
You can use pine cones to decorate a chandelierNew Year's holiday. However, winter holidays quickly pass, so do not think that it is possible to create only New Year's decorations from cones. We offer you several recommendations for making original items for interior decoration. Large ball of cones
This craft is perfect for decoration andNew Year's and everyday interior. It can be placed on a stand in the form of a vase, or attached to the ceiling. Elegant candlestick made of forest cones To make it, you will need: a large cone; scissors; some fairly thick cardboard; a small glass for a candle; glue (hot).
The cones need to be separated into plates.Be extremely careful not to break them. Next, cut a circle out of cardboard, which will become the basis for the product. If the circle is too large, then one cone may not be enough. The circle should be twice as large in diameter as the glass for the candle. Attach 2 plates along the edge of the completed circle in a checkerboard pattern. This layer will be the first. Then attach the 2nd layer to the gaps that were formed among the plates of the 1st layer. Thus, create layers until the future candlestick has acquired sufficient height. Then you need to give the product time to dry. Put a glass with a candle in the center. Such a beautiful candlestick will be an original addition to any evening. If you liked this idea for a craft made of cones, but you do not want to divide the cone into parts, then you can create simpler products decorated with cones.
How to make a bear from pine cones with your own hands?To make it you will need: a fir cone; alder cones; 4 half-open pine cones; 1 large open pine cone; scissors; a knife; a tree cut for the base; light-colored birch bark; acorn caps; black peppercorns; sandpaper; varnish; an awl; glue.
The longest cones will become the bodyfor the bear. All other elements will be attached to its base. The parts should be connected using the scale-under-scale method. In other words, when connecting them, the cones are moved in such a way that the particles of one cone go under the particles of another cone. And before that, be sure to apply glue to them so that they are easily fastened. Pine cones will be used as paws. The back paws of the bear cub should be created from cones that are larger in diameter than the front ones. To make the head, use an open pine cone. From acorn caps, create ears and a nose, which should be attached to the highest point of the cone. Thanks to this, the bear cub's muzzle will be slightly stretched. From black peppercorns, create eyes and the tip of the nose. For greater contrast of the eyes, it is necessary to put light birch bark under the peas. After the teddy bear figure is completed, we attach it to the base of the tree cut. Now we suggest you create a basket of cones
To make it you will need:pine cones (sixty pieces); glue (thermo); thick and thin wire. First, you need to connect ten or twelve cones in a circle using thin wire. Note that the color of the wire should be close to the shades of the cone, so as not to stand out against its background. You should fix the wire on the 1st cone, and then simply wrap the next cone with wire. The outer edge of the circle should be formed from the lower bases of the cones. After that, we create another circle, but its diameter should be smaller than the previous one. To create it, you will need eight - ten cones. Our basket includes two rings. If desired, the basket can be made deeper. To do this, just add the missing number of rings. After the rings are ready, they should be fastened together with hot glue. To create a handle, you will need eight - ten cones, which will be fastened together in the same way as the rings. Then we attach the handle to the frame itself, made of thicker wire. This will ensure the elasticity of the shape. We will use a thick cardboard circle as the bottom of the basket. Finally, attach a couple of cones to the bottom, turning their lower part outward.