Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature.They delight the eye when they bloom in gardens, on flowerbeds, twine around gazebos, serve as interior decoration in vases and wreaths. They are woven into hair, used to make boutonnieres, and used to decorate bracelets with flowers. Delicate snowdrops and lilies of the valley from a forest glade, luxurious roses from the garden, or a bouquet of daisies in a vase will add bright colors, enliven any room, and will be a great gift. Unfortunately, their life is short, beautiful flowers fade, their beauty fades. Therefore, needlewomen have learned to create flowers with their own hands. They are knitted, folded from paper and fabric, made from beads, and molded. Polymer clay, an excellent plastic material for molding, is very popular. It can be baked or self-hardening. Cold porcelain is also included in the latter category. Charming bouquets of flowers made from polymer clay, indistinguishable from real ones, will delight you all year round. A bouquet of daisies.
To create you will need:
- Self-hardening plastic of white color;
- Wire;
- Roller for polymer clay;
- Cutter petals of chamomile;
- Latex glue;
- Paints, green and yellow (better oil);
- Set of stacks;
- Scissors (suitable manicure);
- A piece of tulle;
- Mold or weiner for sheet;
- Round nose pliers;
- File.
Before you start making daisies, you need to paint some of the clay green and yellow.
Take a piece of wire for the stalk and cover it with a layer of green plastic.
Bend the round eyebolts with a loop on one edge so that it does not look down, but to the side.
Staple the stem.
Roll two small balls of green and yellow clay. Flatten them in flat cakes and put them together.
With the yellow side to press the tortillas through the tulle, this will give the core of the daisy the necessary texture.
Trim the uneven edges.
Roll a piece of white clay in a file.
Cutter cut 2 pieces for each flower.
Stack the veins.
Use the needle to make the edges of the petals ragged and jagged.
Fasten one part of the petals on the stem.
Measure the core. If necessary, adjust its size.
From the second part of the daisy, cut out the petals.
One edge to make in the form of a thin rod.
In staggered order, attach the resulting petals.
After drying, glue the core.
If desired, slightly shade the petals with pastels or acrylic paints.
From the green plastic roll a ball. Flatten it and give it a cup-shaped shape. Fasten the petals at the bottom. This is sepals.
The texture of the sepal can be given by scissors.
Roll out a small piece of green clay in a cake. Roll it in the veneer or on the mold and slightly correct with scissors. It's a leaf.
On the base of the leaf, apply glue and attach to the stalk.
Create similarly a few chamomiles.
The bouquet is ready. A bouquet of peonies and roses.
- Polymer clay of white, red and green colors;
- Mold or weiner for sheet;
- Tape tape;
- Nippers;
- Pins with transparent heads;
- Basis for the buttonhole;
- Wire;
- Glue;
- Ribbon for decoration.
Self-hardening polymer clay dries in the air, so it is worth covering it with a damp cloth while working. Peony flower.
Stir thoroughly white and a little red plastic until smooth.
Divide the plastic into 20 pieces of 1 cm in diameter and 12 pieces of 1.5 cm in diameter.
Roll drops from all the pieces. Roll each drop with your finger on the palm from the larger end, form concave petals with the thin end of the drop - the stem.
Glue a large pair of petals to the large, small to small so that one petal is slightly offset to the side.
Secure all smaller blanks in the form of a fan.
Collapse it in a spiral.
Large workpieces are glued to this spiral with a convex side.
Mash plastic of white and green colors, do not mix thoroughly until uniform, let the stains remain.
Make a drop and roll it over the universal mold sheet.
Peony bud.
Combine a little pink plastic that has remained from the flowers with red, do not knead evenly. Form a ball about 2 cm in diameter.
From a piece of green clay, which is left from the leaves, to form small cakes, roll them out with a finger and glue the buds. 3-4 pieces each. for each bud. This is sepals.
How to make a rose from polymer clay is shown here. Assembly.
Glue all the leaves, buds and flowers toflorist wire and leave until completely dry. Wrap the wire and the base of the boutonniere with tape, attach all the flowers, buds and leaves to it. Wrap the resulting stem with tape, cut the wire to the desired size, secure the tape.
Touching spring crocuses.
You will need:
- Polymer clay of white color;
- Oil paints (yellow, green, purple);
- Floral wire;
- Plastic spoons;
- Tepip-tape;
- Cutter for petals (can be replaced with a baking dish);
- A piece of corrugated paper;
- Special rolling pin;
- Artificial grass.
Before work, paint some of the plastic in different colors or, for convenience, you can immediately purchase colored ones.
Roll out a piece of clay and cut out the petals. For each flower 6 pcs.
On corrugated paper or on a glass kitchen board, to give the petals an invoice to roll petals.
Dry the petals in plastic spoons to make them bend.
Cut the wire into pieces of the necessary length and wrap them with a tape tape.
Roll out the layer of clay yellow.
Cut into triangles (3 pieces for each flower).
Cut the fringe of the base of the triangles and screw into tubes. It's a stamen.
From small pieces of clay yellow to roll a drop, but make both edges obtuse and thick (one more smaller another).
On a thicker margin, press the longitudinal grooves with a stack or toothpick. This pestle (3 pieces for each flower).
Cover the stem with a thin layer of green clay.
Stick stamens and pistils to the stem.
Paste the petals in two rows in staggered order.
To blind crocuses of different colors, to dry.
Add some artificial grass and the bouquet is ready.