Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions.

Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions.

Jewelry has been worn since the time of the first people.Tree bark, beautiful stones, pieces of bone, shells and many other things served as accessories that performed decorative and ritual functions. They were made by hand to protect against evil spirits and other misfortunes, and jewelry was also an indicator of status or direction of activity. Ancient hunters, for example, wore necklaces or pendants made of claws and teeth of the animals they killed. Humanity developed, different options and types of jewelry appeared. At the same time, they still served as an indicator of status. Products made of precious metals and stones - for wealthy people. The history of one of them - a keychain began around the 18th century. It was then that it began to be separated from pendants, as an independent decoration. A keychain, unlike a pendant, was more of a male version of jewelry, and wearing it was a whole art. It was attached to bracelets or watch chains. Proper handling of it was an indicator of sophistication, good taste and social status of the owner. Pendants and keychains are still popular. Now the latter is a unisex thing. Both men and women wear it, and it is mainly used as a utilitarian necessity, attached to a keychain ring. Even in this role, the keychain can serve as a decoration. Having created an original and beautiful keychain with your own hands, you can turn it into an elegant accessory or a memorable and cute souvenir. This article will offer several master classes on weaving pendants and keychains from beads. The first master class is dedicated to creating a "soccer ball" keychain. It will be a great gift for any football fan.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 1In my work I use the Ndebele method and mosaicweaving. First, you need to make individual parts, calculating where the piece of dark hexagon should be. To do this, weave a number of triangles, sew them together, and then create the rest, attaching them as you go. You will need:

  • White and black beads:
  • The line;
  • Bead of large diameter;
  • Mounting for the key ring with a carbine clip.

String 3 beads into a ring.For the second circle, string two beads between each bead of the first circle, this gives you 3 times 2 beads. The line comes out of the first bead of the second circle. Pick up 2 beads, pass the line through the second bead of the second circle - this is the first ray of Ndebele. String 1 bead, pass the line and string 2 beads again. Alternate 1 and 2 beads. This gives you 3 Ndebele rays. They will be the corners of the future triangle. The line should come out of the first bead of the circle.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 2Weave according to the pattern.In the Ndebele technique, corners are formed, sides - in the mosaic technique. Having woven one triangle, it is better to immediately attach it to the workpiece. In this case, there will be no confusion and the football will look neat. The triangles are sewn using the mosaic weaving method. The following beaded craft can be used as a pendant, pendant and keychain. It is woven in an ethnic style that has remained popular for a long time.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 3You will need:

  • Multicolored beads of different shapes and sizes;
  • Wire (thicker and thinner);
  • Strong rope made of flax (thin);
  • Feather (natural or leather).

From a small piece of thick wire, form a blank with round loops along the edges. The distance between the loops is approximately 2.5 cm.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 4Cut 7 pieces from the linen ropeless than 10 - 11 cm. Secure all pieces to a wire with loops. To do this, fold in half and thread the rope tails through the loop of the fold so that the wire is between the tails and the fold. Secure all rope pieces to the workpiece using turns of thinner wire.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 5The easiest thing left is to string them together at randombeads and beads on rope segments in any order you like. Secure the feathers. To prevent the beads from rolling down, tie a knot at the end of each thread.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 6Now just thread it through the wire loopsribbon or cord and the pendant is ready. The next keychain with Baroque beads will be a great addition to both a roomy handbag and a small clutch. It will decorate a wallet and, of course, a key ring.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 7These beads look very rich, and even beginners in beading can weave such intricate beauty. You will need:

  • Picasso jasper beads 2,5 cm (barrel-shaped), 4 pieces;
  • Faceted glass beads of light green color 1 cm;
  • Faceted beads from acrylic 6 mm with (golden metallized coating);
  • Pearls are light green 1 cm and 4 mm;
  • Beads 3 mm gold metallic;
  • Beads of golden metallic color 10/0;
  • Pin;
  • Ringlets 1 cm;
  • Large decorative ring;
  • Lanyard for tassels;
  • Thin line and monofilament (transparent).

The base of the bead is woven on two threads using a monastery weaveweaving. Use jasper barrels and faceted glass beads. Connect into a ring. The result is a column with a rectangular cross-section. Lead the fishing line to the beads located at different ends. Put a 3 mm metal bead on the fishing line and pass the fishing line through the next faceted bead. You should get 4 such beads between the green glass ones at both ends (or at the top and bottom of the barrels). Set one tail of the fishing line aside. String four beads, a faceted gold bead, a 1 cm pearl, another faceted gold bead and four beads. This is one working arc. Pass the fishing line through a 3 mm gold bead on the other end. Put on the components for the second arc and pass the fishing line through a 3 mm gold bead, a green glass bead and a 3 mm gold bead). String the components for the next arc, pass the fishing line through a 3 mm gold bead on the opposite end, pick up 4 beads, for the last arc pass the fishing line through the elements of the first arc (faceted gold, 1 cm pearl, faceted gold), put on 4 beads again, pass the fishing line through (3 mm gold, green glass and 3 mm gold) beads on the end.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 8The fishing line comes out of a 3mm gold bead.String 4 beads, 1 4 mm pearl, 4 beads again, thread into the next 3 mm gold one on the end. Weave both ends (top and bottom of the column) in this way. The fishing line comes out of the 4 mm pearl, pick up 1 3 mm metal bead and thread the fishing line into the next pearl. Do this tightening on both ends. Thread both threads so that they come out to meet each other in the 1 cm pearl. Put a 3 mm metal bead and 4 beads on each tail, put a 4 mm pearl on both tails, then put 4 beads and 1 metal bead on both tails separately. Again, thread the fishing line tails into the 1 cm pearl crosswise to each other. This is how the middle part of the Baroque is designed. Pass the fishing line through 4 beads of the bows next to the end gold bead 3 mm, pick up 3 beads, pass the fishing line through 4 beads of the next bow. Go in a circle in this way. You get zigzags that mask the edges of the barrel bead.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 9Cut the cord of a suitable color into pieces.Fasten the decorative ring with two connecting rings and thread the lace pieces through them. Fold in half and secure with monofilament. String 3 metal beads 3 mm, connect to form a ring. String 2 beads, 1 pearl 1 cm, 2 beads and thread the fishing line through the fourth bead of the first circle. Continue until the end. You should get 3 pearls in a circle. Next circle. String 1 gold faceted bead 6 mm between the pearls. The fishing line comes out of the pearl. Pick up 2 beads, 1 metal bead, 2 more beads and again thread the fishing line through the next pearl. The fishing line comes out of the metal bead, pick up 2 of the same and thread the fishing line through the next metal bead. Thread the fishing line through all the metal beads and pull it slightly.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 10Secure the bead and cord with a pin or jewelry pin. Simply pierce the bead and bend the sharp part into a ring, having previously attached the connecting and decorative rings.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 11A cute heart made of beads and beads can easily be used as a keychain, pendant or original Valentine's card.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 12You will need:

  • Beads 10/0;
  • Faceted oblong beads (length 4 mm);
  • The line.

The work is done using monastic weavingtwo threads. String 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 more bead. Place them in the center and cross the tails in the next bead. For the next cross, string 1 bead on each tail and cross the tails in the next bead. Weave a total of 4 crosses, weave the fifth, stringing 1 bead on one tail, and 2 beads on the second, cross the tails in the bead. For the sixth and seventh crosses, repeat the previous two steps, but instead of two beads, string 3. Weave the eighth and ninth crosses on 1 tail, 1 bead on the second, 2 (on the same side as the previous increases). The 10th cross is one bead per tail. The 11th cross is woven like this: on the side where the increases were, string 1 bead on the other side (it turns out to be internal) 1 bead, 1 bead and again it is a bead. Cross the tails, as usual in a bead. The 12th cross on both tails 1 bead (like the tenth cross). Then symmetrically weave the second half of the heart. Weave another such heart.Master classes on weaving various charms and pendants with diagrams, photos and descriptions .. Photo # 13Following the diagram, connect both halves of the heartalong the outer and inner perimeter. To make the keychain look more voluminous, a row of larger beads can be woven between its heart-shaped halves.

