We master the diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) by detailed instructions with photos and diagrams

We master the diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) by detailed instructions with photos and diagrams

Basics of diamond embroidery Is it possible to doembroidery without needles and threads? Yes, if it is diamond embroidery (or as it is also called diamond mosaic). Modern achievements open up new horizons for handicrafts, but the name "diamond" is in no way associated with precious stones. It is due only to the similarity of the texture of the finished product. More and more craftswomen are getting carried away with this embroidery technique, with the help of which you can create bright and original panels. Such a product will be an excellent decorative element for any interior. It is quite easy to create diamond embroidery, so you can do it together with children, who will certainly like it.unique diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) for detailed lessons with diagrams. Photo №1The diamond mosaic technique involves workexclusively with ready-made kits, including all the necessary tools. Your creativity here will consist of "jewelry" work and the choice of an original plot. These can be fantasy-style compositions, landscapes and still lifes, images of various representatives of flora and fauna, etc. A ready-made kit for diamond mosaic must necessarily include: rhinestones of various shades, a detailed diagram and a key to it. The main material for rhinestones is plastic with shiny edges of all sorts of shades. This resembles the palette of painters, thanks to which their own picture is created, and the "diamond" cut gives additional uniqueness to the product. Among other things, diamond embroidery kits include tweezers, which should be used to take crystals. Work on creating a diamond mosaic begins with freeing the pattern from the protective film. The distribution of colors is clearly indicated on the pattern itself and an adhesive coating is applied to it, to which rhinestones are fixed. Since you will be creating some of your masterpieces for more than one day, you should not remove the entire film, so that the adhesive layer does not get clogged and dusty once again. Then everything is quite easy and interesting. The crystals from the set are all distributed strictly according to the shades shown in the diagram. Using tweezers, the rhinestones are carefully placed in the corresponding cells of the diagram. This is done with a certain amount of pressure so that each rhinestone occupies its designated "cell".unique diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) for detailed lessons with diagrams. Photo # 2To give the correct shape, the finished rowsverticals and horizontals are aligned using a metal ruler. Make sure that the rhinestones are placed tightly next to each other, forming a single monolithic layer, due to which this technique is called "mosaic".unique diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) for detailed lessons with diagrams. Picture №3Having completed filling the pattern with rhinestones, we advise you toor a metal ruler to align the product along the edges. The entire surface of the embroidery should not contain gaps, and the texture should be uniform. The finished product will resemble skillful bead embroidery. To further "strengthen" the product, you can use silicate glue, applying a thin layer of it. However, we recommend placing the product in a glass frame. Thanks to the diamond embroidery technique, you can create panels of various sizes, but, as a rule, it is done on an A3 sheet. Although much larger canvases can be assembled from them.unique diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) for detailed lessons with diagrams. Photo №4Whatever size you choose, once completedWhen working on embroidery, you will need to trim it along the edge with a knife or scissors. In the case of forming a large canvas, its elements must be accurately connected and the joint area must be filled in accordance with the scheme. This possibility must be implemented in the original product. The finished masterpiece should only be glued to a thick sheet of cardboard, and can be inserted into a frame or mat.unique diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) for detailed lessons with diagrams. Photo №5Such a bright picture, which is made inoriginal technique, will become a wonderful decoration in the interior of any house or apartment. And you can make diamond embroidery as an elegant and unique gift for any celebration. The technique of diamond embroidery is one of the youngest among handicrafts, but unlike other, classic, types of handicrafts, it allows you to create a true masterpiece with your own hands without spending a lot of free time.unique diamond embroidery (diamond mosaic) for detailed lessons with diagrams. Photo №6Try it and see for yourself!

