Matryoshka from cloth / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Matryoshka from cloth / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Matryoshka made of cloth - of course, not so mysterious,like her sisters from a tree, disappearing into each other to infinity. But this is a very nice accessory, and you can do it yourself. That is, sew. A nested doll, which is made of felt or felt, turns out quite colorful. matryoshka made of cloth We will need:

  • Fabric of two colors, felt or felt
  • A piece of cloth of a corporal or a color close to it - for a nested doll's face
  • Packing - cotton wool or holofayber
  • acrylic paints and a brush
  • for decoration: ribbons, braids, buttons, etc.
  • scissors, needle.

Well, of course, in order to make a toy with your own hands, you need a pattern. We are attaching our version, but we can also search the Internet. Next, we apply the pattern to thefelt or felt and cut out details of nested dolls. In two stages: first from a fabric of one color we cut two parts of a trunk, then from a different fabric we cut out two details of a head. From a piece of flesh color, we cut out the matryoshka face element with our own hands. It is not difficult to do all of the above, if you are careful. details of nested dolls Felt or felt can be replaced with another thick cloth. Here the principle of the density of the material is important: a matryoshka made of chintz or linen will simply lose its shape. kukla-matreshka-tkan-005Then you need to do the following: striking one part of the trunk with the head, a similar procedure to do with the other half of the toy. Two obtained pieces to sew on the wrong side and turn it out. Next, you need to fill the body of the nesting doll with a filler. And to make it so that the trunk turned out as much as possible dense, compressed. It is convenient to use an ordinary pencil as a packing tool. When the matryoshka is full, you need to sew her face. Everything, the body of the toy is ready. kukla-matreshka-tkan-007Lichiko can be "revived" in many ways: do this with a suture to the mulina, or draw eyes, nose, cheeks with the help of paints and brushes with your own hands. If you are not sure that a great make-up artist has disappeared in you, it is better to make the face more schematic, using embroidery. face painting of a nesting doll As you can see, a nested doll made of felt orfelt, fairly simple to manufacture, sew it yourself can even a child. If you want a matryoshka doll to be brighter, then wrap it with a dress of colorful fabric. Also for decoration ribbons, braids, buttons are perfect. They can be sewn directly on the body of a matryoshka doll, or you can put it on top of a dress. You can also sew an eyelet to the toy and hang it somewhere as an ornament. kukla-matreshka-tkan-006You can also make a nesting doll "hairstyle" with the help of yarn.

