Method of creating a beautiful birch tree with beads with your own hands - diagrams and lesson

Method of creating a beautiful birch tree with beads with your own hands - diagrams and lesson

Trees made from bead material are now a very popular item for decorating both apartments and offices.

Method of creating a beautiful birch tree with beads with your own hands - diagrams and lesson

Beads cut from beads. Photo №1This item can liven up a room and make itmore comfortable. The master who makes the tree - gets new skills and beading skills. Materials for work Let's try to recreate a popular tree of Russian culture - birch. For this we will need a certain set of materials and some skills that will open up new possibilities:

  • Acquire the beads in five shades of green (For a more lively picture of the tree)
  • Mouline thread, winding.
  • Alabaster
  • Wire
  • Brush and paint for processing
  • Glue

Formation of leaves and branchesBeads cut from beads. Photo # 2First of all, we form the leaves.To do this, we need to mix beads of different shades, and the beads are taken randomly (without prior selection). It is necessary to string seven beads on the first wire. Then, twist one of the ends of our wire, forming a loop. On one of the ends we string another bead. Let's call this craft - a leaf of the center. Next, from the first leaf on both sides, after 10 millimeters, we make loops-leaves. You also need to pull seven beads on them and form a loop. Then, also stepping back 10 millimeters, we form four more such loops from beads. Forming tops and connectionsBeads cut from beads. Picture №3After this, you need to bend the half. In this case, the center loop must be held in a break. It turns out that we have formed a birch branch. We do the same procedure for 15-17 branches and 9-11 leaves. You will get 57 or more pieces. Next, we tie them together. The branches that form nine loops will form bundles of three. The same should happen with the branches with 11 loops. You will get five small branches of the upper part of the birch, as well as 19 of them for the crown. Creating a tree compositionBeads cut from beads. Photo №4The birch tree pattern is offered in not one variation, buttwo tops. Therefore, for the first top we connect three branches-bunches, and in the other base - two of them. For each top, it is necessary to wind a wire in the size of the diameter by 0.3 centimeters using threads. After that, we intertwine the ends of the two tops and form a trunk connection, which will have three tops and one side. For the trunk, it is necessary to wind each branch, once. The main trunk will contain the top part, as well as twelve branches. The side will contain a double top and seven branches, respectively. The crown and its branch must be wrapped with thread.Beads cut from beads. Photo №5Securing and decorating the treeBeads cut from beads. Photo №6Next, take any form and place the solution there.glue and alabaster, and then - we put the tree there. We wait half a day for the composition to harden. Next, we paint our product. For painting, we will use alabaster and glue. 10 hours after painting using this method, we also strengthen the composition with glue diluted in water. We also apply white paint (twice). Also, we take a thin brush and outline the bark for our tree. When all the materials are dry, the birch can be straightened, and the workpiece itself - will be completely ready.

