Method for preparing strawberries from strawberries, a recipe with a detailed description

Method for preparing strawberries from strawberries, a recipe with a detailed description

Cooking a delicious meal is not only aboutgood cooking skills, but also with the help of extraordinary ideas. Let's use a simple idea with which you can please people with an exotic dish, as well as develop your own culinary skills. Strawberry Melfey or a festive dessertMethod for preparing strawberries from strawberries, a recipe with a detailed description. Photo №1So, Millefeuille is a dessert of French origin, which is an incredibly popular and tasty choice. It can be prepared only with a certain amount of ingredients:

  • 500 ml. Kefir
  • 500 ml. Ryazhenki
  • Vinegar based on an apple in the form of one tablespoon
  • Salt - one pinch
  • 300 gr. Sour cream
  • 500 gr. - Puff pastry
  • 350 gr. - Cream cheese
  • 150 gr. – Heavy cream
  • 500 gr. Fresh strawberries

Puff Pastry Preparation

Method for preparing strawberries from strawberries, a recipe with a detailed description. Photo # 2Dessert "Thousands of Leaves" is being preparedvery simple. But, it is necessary to prepare a special cream cheese, which is suitable for this version of the dish. Here you will need 500 ml. Kefir, and also use the same amount of ryazhenka. In the same amount you will need sour cream, as well as wine vinegar. Also, it is necessary to supplement this composition with salt in the form of two pinches.

Preparing forms

We need to take puff pastry so thatprepare millefeuille. Next, it must be cut into square shapes. They should be no more than 12 centimeters in size. After that, you need to lay them out on our surface - a baking sheet, which is also pre-lined with a paper product for baking. After that, you need to prick our dough in several places with a fork and then, using a heated oven, prepare the product. It is necessary to caramelize the product and then wait until the dough is baked, and then prepare the cream composition.


Method for preparing strawberries from strawberries, a recipe with a detailed description. Picture №3You need to mix the cheese with powdered sugar, thenyou need to whip the cream. After that, you need to carefully add them to our cream cheese composition, and use a spoon to mix the product. The cream will acquire a uniform consistency. Then, the cream is sent to the refrigerator for the next steps. Then, the puff pastry squares must be removed from the oven and also cooled. After that, deal with the strawberries, which must be freed from vegetation and then cut into 4 particles. After that, we wait until the dough cools down and assemble our cake.

Preparing the Melleth

To do this, you need to put the cream in a bag.and then, leave it on our square of the product, then put strawberries on top and then, cover with a layer of dough and repeat these actions. On top, we decorate the product with powder and then, after, decorate.

