Mirror tiles in a modern interior: a review of original designs with photos

Mirror tiles in a modern interior: a review of original designs with photos

The mirror is the most mysterious piece of furniture andat the same time quite universal and ordinary. For designers, it is a wonderful tool, thanks to which unique design solutions are born. In standard interiors, a mirror can only be found in the hallway or bathroom, but we suggest using it additionally in the bedroom, living room and even the kitchen. Let's consider what mirror "things" exist for decorating the interior.5a24694da67ea094b0056e798c417c6aMirror mosaic from pieces of different sizes

    Mirror mosaic in the interior of the room

    This is the most fashionable and popular interior decor. A certain pattern is laid out from mirror pieces of the same or different shapes. Mosaics can be used to decorate any room in the house:

    • a bath;
    • hallway;
    • a bedroom;
    • living room;
    • the kitchen.

    image005Mirror panel in the bathroom Usually a fragment of the wall, floor or ceiling is pasted over. Often in the interior there are decorated with mirror pieces:

    • vases;
    • furniture;
    • doors and other accessories.

    interier-sovremennoy-gostinoyMirror panel on the ceiling and wall of the living room

    The advantages of mirror tiles in the interior

    Mirror elements in an apartment are not only beautiful, but also, oddly enough, practical. If the room is correctly decorated with mirrors, then in the end you will get a lot of advantages:

    • a large influx of light and brightness in the room;
    • mirror fragments easily decorate uneven sections of walls;
    • mirrors adorn a niche;
    • using this design, you can visually expand or narrow the space of a room;
    • the room acquires the effect of illusion;
    • wear resistant surface;
    • Mirror mosaics are easy to care for.

    1828Fully mirrored wall in the living room

    Types of mirror material for interior decoration

    Mirror mosaics and tiles are not only available in the standard silver color. Other colors are also available for sale:

    • gold;
    • bronze;
    • black mirror.

    Any mirror tile and panel can withstand high temperature and chemical exposure. Mirrors differ not only in color, but also in:

    • form;
    • size;
    • type of processing;
    • method of attachment.

    You can buy such a panel ready-made orby individual tiles. If you have the desire and time to work, then it is available in bulk, that is, you need to stick it yourself on the prepared surface.zerkalnaya_mozaika_4-600x450Mirror mosaic from pieces of different types No less important is the processing of mirror products. There are three types:

    • grinding;
    • polishing
    • facet.

    The first type of processing is used in budget mosaic options. The polished edge looks stylish and impressive. The bevel gives the product additional volume.zerkalnaya_mozaika_7-600x443Mirror mosaic with beveled finish. Worth itRemember that before making a mirror panel in a room, you need to carefully consider the ventilation of the room. Otherwise, the mirrors will constantly sweat. In addition to the main advantages, mirror surfaces have one drawback - the installation technology is complex with a huge number of nuances. And if this is also a design job, then it will be expensive. As soon as such decor appears in the room, an atmosphere of solemnity immediately appears. Mirrors look very good in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

    Care for mirror surfaces in the interior

    Miniature mirrors do not require special care. The tiles do not get dirty much, but are easy to clean if necessary. In addition, they have additional advantages:

    • resistant to abrasion;
    • shines for a long time and does not fade;
    • does not fade;
    • does not fade.

    If mirrors are chosen for the kitchen or bathroomrooms, it is better to buy tiles that have an additional protective coating. It will not darken for a long time and will retain its original appearance for many years.zerkalnaya-plitka-v-interere5Mirror wall in the room

    Living room design with mirrored walls or ceiling

    Decorating a living room with mirrors depends onroom size. If the room is small, it is better to decorate only the cabinet doors with mirrors rather than the entire wall. In this way, large and bulky furniture turns into an inconspicuous piece of furniture.dizayn-gostinoy-komnaty-06Living room with mirrored ceiling and wallsIt is allowed to design one small wall with mirror tiles. The joint is necessarily decorated with plaster molding. Thanks to this, the decoration seems complete and laconic.zerkalo01Mirror tiles in the living room If you are in the mood,boldly and decisively, you can decorate the walls with mirrors, placing them opposite each other. You will get the effect of a looking glass. But if you are an ardent supporter of Feng Shui, then this method is not suitable for you at all.zerkalnye-zerna-gostinnayaWall mirror panel made of convex mirrorIn order for mirrors to do their job, you need to carefully consider the lighting of the living room. Ideally, the lamp should be located above the reflective surface. Lighting devices should be original. Lampshades should be large.zerkalnyj-potolok-1024x768Mirror Ceiling Tiles for Living Room If youIf you are a supporter of the classical style, then you should take a closer look at the mirrors that are installed on the semi-columns. They will scatter the reflection of light throughout the living room.dizajn-zerkalnoj-kvartiry-studiiMirrored column and wall in a studio apartment IfIf you love plants, you should place them in a separate corner of a room with mirror decor. Otherwise, they will block all the light. This will create the feeling of a greenhouse.zerkalnaya-plitka-v-interere32Interior partition framed with mirror tiles

    Design bedroom mirrored surfaces

    If you want to transform a small bedroom, it is best to use a mirror panel. It is best to install it opposite the window. The room will seem light and spacious.zerkalo_v_spalnyu_1Mirror columns in the bedroom interior If the room has niches and uneven walls, then be sure to stick mirror tiles in them. The result will be very original.zerkalnaya_stena_22Built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors But in everythingyou need to know when to stop. You can't stick mirror tiles randomly and all over the room. You risk getting an uncomfortable and cold room that looks more like a dance hall. Remember, mirrors in the bedroom play the role of an additional design, not the main one.uglovoj-shkaf-v-spalne39Wardrobe with a mirror door If you are a person prone to all sorts of superstitions, then mirrors in the bedroom should not be installed in the following way:

  • You can not install a mirror design oppositethe beds. During sleep, a person gets rid of all the negative accumulated during the day, and the mirror will return it back. And if a married couple sleeps in front of the mirror, then they will soon see a breakdown in relations.
  • It is not recommended to install mirrored surfaces opposite the entrance door to the bedroom. Thus, the room will not receive favorable energy.
  • In the mirror installed in the bedroom, a person should be reflected in full growth. If for some reason this cannot be done, then reflection should be logical.
  • spalnya-2v3Mirrored headboard for the bed To decorate the bedroom with mirror panels, use the following tricks:

    • arrange with mirror fragments of coal and the perimeter of the room on the bottom;
    • to increase the room in height, make a mirror panel on the ceiling;
    • mirrors can decorate the head of the bed, this will give the room depth;
    • symmetrically install two tall mirrors from floor to ceiling in the area of ​​bedside tables;
    • for a bedroom it is better to choose mirror elements of a round or oval shape;
    • Install a backlight near the mirror or hang a garland.

    panno_03Mirror wall made of tiles in the bedroom interior

    Kitchen design with mirror tiles and mosaic

    Mirrors have become popular not long agodecoration of many kitchens. At first glance, it seems impractical and unnecessary decor in this room. But with the right approach, a mirror panel will become a real highlight of the kitchen interior and breathe a lot of light and brightness into a small and nondescript room.mosaics-modern-kitchen-016Kitchen apron made of small mirror tiles There are several options for decorating a kitchen with mirrors that you should familiarize yourself with:

  • Built-in mirrors in the facade of the headset. Most often they make an apron. The room will immediately become deep, wide and comfortable. If you consider an apron an impractical element, then you can hang mirror strips so that they intersect with the furniture.
  • For a kitchen of compact size, choose mirrors in a bright small frame or without it at all.
  • Mirror elements emphasize the overall style of the kitchen. They can highlight one of the areas in the kitchen.
  • If you are the owner of a large and spacious kitchen, be sure to hang a mirror in the dining area in front of the table.
  • A refrigerator with a mirror surface looks very original and luxurious. It will reflect the entire interior of the kitchen.
  • kuxnya-v-stile-art-deko-21Mirror panel in the dining area Mirror mosaics and panels are usually used in the following styles and directions:

  • Art Deco or Empire. In these styles it is preferable to use mirrors of a round or figured form.
  • The frame should be large and massive. Such accessories should decorate the dining area.
  • Modern. This style uses streamlined mirrors. Usually they decorate the side wall of the room or the one opposite which the headset stands. The presence of mirrors in the facades of the headset is allowed.
  • Minimalism and hi-tech. Mirrors should be of unusual shapes, without frames. Backlight allowed.
  • 17An original mirror in a modern interiorkitchens If you are a fan of experiments and everything unusual in the interior, then, undoubtedly, it is worth trying such a design idea as mirror panels and mosaics. Reward your home with a lot of light and brightness. Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

