Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of modeling crafts from plasticine

Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of modeling crafts from plasticine

Molding from plasticine is not only entertainment, itbrings tangible benefits to the crumb. When a baby is cuddling, he develops his creative right brain hemisphere. Improves fine motor skills, and from its development depends attention, speech functions, motor and visual memory, logical thinking. A creative vision of the world and imagination is developing. The child finds for himself an understanding of the form and color. With the baby 1,5 - 2 years already you can begin to sculpt from plasticine. Let the parents create crafts and attract the kid to this creative process. At first the child will simply separate pieces of plasticine and scatter them. And in order not to spoil the floor, you can offer a young creator a plaque or saucer for attaching them. At the moment, there is a safe clay on a plant basis. And if a small sculptor accidentally stains furniture, carpets or himself in the creative process, plasticine can easily be removed from hair and carpet. And yet it will be better not only to offer him a sculpture for sculpting, but also to close a paper or an oilcloth with a work corner, lay the paper on the floor next to the little one's chair. This will save furniture and all other details of the interior from decorating them with plasticine. It is very important to think over the lighting. The light source should be arranged in such a way that the child can see the whole field of creative activity well. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands and do not try to taste it. After the completion of the creative program, you should also wash your hands thoroughly. Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Photo №5 When the baby gets tired of just playing, pickingpieces of plasticine, you can move on to more intricate tasks. For preparation and training let the little one roll a pencil or ball on the palm of your hand. On smearing and pressing the whole technique of modeling is based. Base models - a flat cake, a ball, a roller and a cone. Toddlers under 2 years old are quite difficult. In order to blind them, the child should have the necessary level of motor development. Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Photo №1 It is necessary to carry away the child's creative process. You can write a whole story of making a pastry or a pancake to treat his favorite toys. Let him or she make a ball out of plasticine. Then you need to tell the baby to press a finger on it, turning the ball into a cake-biscuit. Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Photo №7 The cone is difficult to execute. After all, at first the child must make a ball, then roll it out, make efforts on one side more than on the other. When the kid learns all the basic skills, you can suggest to blind something more difficult. Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Photo # 2 Create from the details of animals or humansthe crumb herself can not yet. Much easier it will be to "pull out" a figure from a whole piece of material. Then it will be possible to decorate ornaments for it from plasticine of a different color or to apply foil, paper or fabric for decoration. Even a candy wrapper is suitable. At the first stages it will be necessary to mold together, but when the little man understands how and what to do, he will sculpt everything himself. With very young children 1,5-2 years old you can work with ready-made patterns. You can stick a card-tree cut from a cardboard, decorate it with balls of plasticine of a different color, pieces of foil and everything that comes to the young creator in the head. Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Picture №3 You can also use the molds forIt is possible to create a new shade of plasticine. You can mix up to 3 colors. The chosen colors should be rolled out into a roller, bent and rolled again. The operation is done until the desired shade is obtained. There are a lot of ideas for molding. And plasticine will help develop the crumbs of his creativity, imagination and imaginative thinking. .Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Photo №4Molding of plasticine for children from 1.5 years. The initial stages of sculpting crafts from plasticine. Photo №6

