Molding of plasticine for children aged 3-4 years. An example of modeling a cow with your own hands

Molding of plasticine for children aged 3-4 years. An example of modeling a cow with your own hands

At the age of 3-4 years, children are already actively interested inthe surrounding world. And besides toys, kids need educational activities. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it is the practice of a teacher in a kindergarten or independent education at home by a mother who sits with the child. Modeling is an excellent option for baby development. With its help, children develop fine motor skills of their hands and fingers. Memory and speech functions improve, concentration and attention increase. When a baby sculpts from plasticine, he or she actively uses imagination. The sense of beauty and imagination develops. You need to get your baby interested in modeling. You should use plasticine of different bright natural colors.Molding of plasticine for children aged 3-4 years .. Photo # 1Let the child look at it and pinch off pieces. It is necessary to show him the tools for working with plasticine. Tiny 3 – 4 years old can already handle a cutting knife with the help of an adult.Molding of plasticine for children aged 3-4 years .. Photo # 2Mom or teacher can show him how to rollball or sausage, make a cake or cube from plasticine with your own hands. At the age of 3 – Children aged 4 years should spend no more than 12 minutes modeling. Children are different. It is quite possible that someone will want to quickly make the proposed item and will gladly switch to another pastime. At the same time, if the baby is very passionate about creativity, you can extend the process by 8 – 10 minutes. You can't force it. Having mastered the sculpting of the basic and simplest objects, you can move on to complex images and compositions. Let the child blind 2-3 parts and connect them. You can make a mushroom, a fish or a wall from multi-colored bricks.Molding of plasticine for children aged 3-4 years .. Photo # 3A piece of cardboard works great as a platformto create a composition. You can place a mushroom meadow or a lawn with a lake and trees on it. Before the sculpting process, you need to ask the baby what he wants to sculpt. You can offer your own option. If the baby has expressed a desire to sculpt on his own, you should not interfere with him. You just need to watch him work. And if the baby has been sculpting for 3 minutes and does not ask for help, then he is interested. It is advisable to teach your child to be independent. The mother or the teacher in the garden sculpts one part of the composition, and the baby another. And then fix everything together, having previously discussed the final image. The baby will understand that he, too, is responsible for the final result of the sculpting. Let the baby sculpt not only with his palms. Fingers also need to be constantly trained. They need movement. The sculpting process must be accompanied by a comment. For example: “To make cookies, you first need to roll a ball, and then press it with your finger like this.” It is necessary to emphasize the movement of the fingers. The sculpting process can be accompanied by a poem or a short story that matches the theme of the task.Molding of plasticine for children aged 3-4 years .. Photo # 4One of the important aspects – this is qualityplasticine. For kids 3 – 4 years old very soft or too hard is not suitable. If the baby is not comfortable sculpting, then interest in the matter will quickly pass. It is necessary to tell that plasticine is kneaded in the hands so that it warms up and becomes plastic. Let the little one stretch it with his little hands and take his imagination on a journey.

