Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique.

Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique.

What is origami? История модульного оригами Под оригами подразумевают древнейшее искусство изготовления всевозможных изделий из бумаги. На данный момент выдвинуто очень много версий того, как же родился этот увлекательный вид искусства. Бумагу открыли в Китае, и оригами также родом из древнего Китая. Изначально оригами применяли в религиозных целях для всевозможных обрядов. На протяжении многих лет это искусство осваивали лишь люди высокого сословия, поскольку умение владеть техникой составления фигур из бумаги свидетельствовало о хорошем тоне. Но все же с уверенностью можно сказать лишь одно – оригами в большей степени развивалось не в Китае, а в Японии. Техника оригами является одной из основных составляющих древней религии Японии Синто, символом которой считается белоснежная чистота бумаги. Еще в восемнадцатом веке это искусство было сокрыто от всех и передавалось лишь по наследству от матерей к дочерям. Первые письменные рекомендации по изготовлению работ в технике оригами появились лишь 1979 году. Именно тогда была издана первая книга. Именно это и дало толчок развитию столь распространенного на сегодня в Японии вида искусства. Однако, за пределы Восточных стран этот вид творчества попал лишь по прошествии Второй мировой войны. И сегодня очень многие люди во всем мире увлекаются оригами. Более того, на данный момент это творчество переживает свой бум и находится на пике популярности. Помимо классических техник оригами, предполагающих прямые линии, творческую свободу дают другие техники этого искусства, одной из них считается модульное оригами. Скачок развития именно этого вида оригами пришелся на 1960-е годы, именно в эти года искусство распространилось по всему миру. На данный момент модульное оригами можно назвать интернациональным творчеством. В США модульное оригами попало вместе нелегальными мигрантами из Китая, прибывшими на корабле. Оказавшись в тюрьме, им больше не чем было заняться, а бумага есть и там. Благодаря заключенным из Китая мир смог узнать об этой технике складывания, хотя в Китае она существовала достаточно давно. Для модульного вида оригами известно очень мало схем, чаще всего фигурки создают просто по иллюстрациям или фото. Часто мастера создают свои вариации. Поэтому можно сказать, что эта техника требует фантазии и значительных творческих элементов. По другому модульный стиль этого искусства называют 3D-оригами. Отличительной чертой этой техники является то, что она создается не из одного листка бумаги, а из отдельных бумажных частей – так называемых модулей. Каждый из них складывают по всем правилам оригами в классическом стиле. В итоге их нужно соединить методом вкладывания друг в дружку, так получаются определенные бумажные фигуры. Еще одна очень важная отличительная особенность – это полное отрицание использования ножниц, клея или скотча при соединении модулей в фигуру. Модульное оригами подразумевает создание изделий из множества отдельных бумажных модулей. Поэтому, чтобы поделка получилась красивой и аккуратной, работу нужно производить аккуратно и внимательно. В зависимости от методов соединения разных модулей получаются различные фигуры. Модели могут выйти как плоскими, так и объемными. Первые чаще всего представлены фигурами в виде многоугольников, звездочек и т. д. Трехмерные же фигуры создают в виде многогранников, а также их композиций. Инструменты и материалы Подробнее нужно остановиться на том, какая же бумага сможет подойти лучше всего для создания предметов в технике модульного оригами, модуля какого размера лучше всего применять для создания фигур. Прежде чем начать создавать поделки в стиле модульного орингами, нужно ознакомиться с некоторыми секретами и хитростями. Подходящие виды бумаги:

  • Office paper – good option formodular type of origami, since it is absolutely not smooth, and also has a fairly high density, this is what will allow the modules to firmly hold each other and not slip. Moreover, if you choose multi-colored office paper, the good thing is that it is double-sided and there will be no white lines on the folds.
  • Special paper designed for origami. It is good because it is already cut into separate parts of the required size. Most often, one side of this paper is white, and the other – colored.
  • Paper for creative activities with children. Some types of this paper can be used for modular origami, but check that it tears at the fold.
  • Paper taken from glossy publications is perfect for creating products in the style of modular origami, but it should not be too thin.
  • Modular origami dragonfly Origami in the formDragonflies are one of the most common crafts. And if you don’t know how to make a dragonfly using the modular origami technique, read the step-by-step instructions below and you’ll succeed. Symbolism of the dragonfly This insect is one of the oldest; its remains were discovered in sediments from the Jurassic period. The Japanese revere the dragonfly and associate it with belligerence, bravery and bravery; it can bring good luck and happiness. In China, the dragonfly is associated with the beginning of summer, instability and weakness. Nowadays, the dragonfly is considered a symbol of lightness, grace and speed. She, like the butterfly, is associated with immortality, as well as rebirth. Looking at a dragonfly, everyone should have thoughts about the fleeting nature of our lives, and we should not transform it into something gray and dull. If you want to change something in your life, you need to turn to the energy of this insect. Modern people are burdened with various problems and most often they do not allow themselves the ease that is inherent in a dragonfly. By presenting a souvenir in the form of this insect, one would like to hope that it will endow a person with its energy of free flight, carefreeness and joy. Dragonfly diagram Dragonfly in modular origami belongs to the category for beginners. The work of making it is quite simple. Pay close attention to the photographs and repeat the same in reality. In this version, the dragonfly is made in blue, but you can choose any other color that you like better, in addition, you have the ability to change the size of the modules. In general, we can say that there is quite a lot of room for imagination. To work you will need 40 blue modules and 42 – blue. They should be triangular in shape. In addition, prepare the glue and be patient. How to make a triangular module to create a dragonfly Triangular-shaped modules are often used in the modular origami technique. To create a triangular module, prepare a sheet of paper; it should be rectangular in shape. Creating triangular modules is possible from both larger and smaller sheets. The final size of the finished craft will depend on the parameters of the sheets. It is best to use rectangles that will be 1/16 or 1/32 of an ordinary landscape sheet.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 1 Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 2If both sides of a sheet of paper are divided into fouridentical parts, then you will get a rectangular leaf with dimensions of 53 x 74 mm. If the long side is divided into 8 identical segments, and into 4 identical segments – short, then the dimensions of the triangles will be 37 x 53 mm. The module assembly algorithm will be like this:

  • The sheet needs to be folded in half.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 3
  • To determine the middle, fold the sheet in half again and fold it back. It needs to be placed with the corner up.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 4
  • Next, both edges need to be bent towards the middle.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 5
  • After this, the leaf needs to be turned over.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 6
  • Fold both bottom pieces up.Modular origami, how it affects a person's occupation of modular origami, the manufacture of modules in a triangular shape, and the creation of a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 7
  • Fold the corners; to do this, they should be folded through the main triangle.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 8
  • Next, the corners, as well as the lower part, need to be bent.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 9
  • Again, bend both corners along the marked line, while lifting the bottom part up.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 10
  • Bend the resulting piece in half.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 11
  • The resulting modules have two pockets in their design, as well as a pair of lower corners. Thanks to this, they are easily inserted into each other, and the figures come out voluminous.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 12Now that you know how to buildtriangular module, proceed to creating the dragonfly itself. In this option, the modules will be counted from above. The first row consists of four blue modules, the second row consists of three blue modules. Third row – these are four blue modules. Carefully observe the illustration to ensure that all modules are positioned correctly.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 13The third row is different in that the modules are inserted into each other. The fourth row will consist of three blue modules.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 14The fifth row contains two blue modules, and the sixth – consists of three blue modules.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 15After this there are again two blue modules, and in the next row you need to make a decrease in modules.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 16This is what the figure will look like when it shrinks. The ninth row will consist of one blue triangular module.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 17The tenth row contains two blue modules. After this, insert one module twice, alternating their colors.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 18In the illustration you can see that the number of modules in the tail can be arbitrary. Adjust the length as you wish.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 19Add one more blue module at the edges, and in the middle you need to insert one blue module. Make two eyes.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 20Now start making the wings. You need to make four of them. Each wing should have ten modules; for a more durable fixation, it is best to immediately place them on glue.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 21Pay special attention to the direction of the wings: two of them should point in the same direction, and two – to another.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, and creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 22Attach the wings to the body, also dropping a little glue on them.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 23Glue the eyes; if desired, you can make a small proboscis.Modular origami, how it affects a person's occupation of modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 24Now the dragonfly is ready to give you and those around you lightness and carelessness.Modular origami, how it affects a person practicing modular origami, making modules of a triangular shape, as well as creating a dragonfly in origami technique .. Photo # 25And finally, a little interesting thing about origamiCreative people use modular origami to express themselves and their thoughts. Many scientists are trying to study the geometry of this type of creativity in order to use it for beauty in the future. Doctors resort to this skill to cure their patients. Everyone understands that acting mechanically and thoughtlessly in this matter will not work. Due to this, modular origami classes act as a kind of psychotherapy, which, at least for a while, can distract people from their daily gray thoughts. Origami directs our thinking towards creativity. Working on origami figures can increase the activity of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, since it requires total control over the actions of both hands. And this leads to an improvement in many indicators. Modular origami – It’s not an easy form of art, but that’s its main feature. For every origamist, it is first important to solve the puzzle. But you can’t just discover all the secrets of origami figures. You need to have certain knowledge in the field of geometry, as well as mathematics. Many scientists claim that creating origami figures is very useful. A passion for modular origami can teach consistency in actions, develop the ability to self-control minor movements of the hands and especially fingers, and improve spatial thinking. By engaging in such creativity, everyone is able to learn to read and disassemble drawings for folding certain figures, develop confidence in themselves and their abilities, and also develop their creative abilities, which perhaps you did not even suspect.

