DIY pearl bead made from polymer clay – Master Class

DIY pearl bead made from polymer clay – Master Class

Lazurite is a very unusual material that has gained popularity among many fashionistas. Therefore, having your own beads made of this material will be an interesting task.

DIY pearl bead made from polymer clay – Master Class

Pearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo №1On the one hand, it will help to improve your handicraft skills. On the other hand, it is a great opportunity to make a gift to a loved one or yourself!Pearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo # 2We will need a certain material, with the help of which we will try to recreate our lapis lazuli version of beads:

  • You need to take polymer clay. We take it in a variety of colors - blue, light blue, white and maybe purple.
  • We use the potal of the colors of silver and gold.
  • Board for work on polymer clay
  • Knife for clay
  • Beads (different shapes)
  • Roller (Pasta machine)
  • Lacquer

Formation of polymer clayPearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Picture №3So, first of all, it is necessary to producerubbing polymer clay with a grater (with a coarse grind). You can also use a knife to cut our product into small pieces. The pieces need to be collected together, and then pulled out in the form of a sausage. As you will notice, our colors will mix.Pearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo №4When working, try to combine colors as much as possible, but do it as smoothly as possible. It will be ideal if the sausage has smooth, but partial color transitions.Pearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo №5Let's create sausage!The sausage also needs to be divided into 4 equal parts. Then, it needs to be reassembled. The drawing should be small, so that we get a completely realistic version of the product. Then, using the base layer, we roll out our drawing, using thin sections. When we get the drawing, we need to dip a small amount of gold leaf onto the tool or hands, and then spread it onto our product.Pearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo №6Mother of pearl beads - the process of creationAfterwards, the plastic must be rolled out using a pasta machine. A rolling pin can also be used as a universal tool. This way, the sheet will be smooth, and no gaps that may be in front of the cuts will be visible. Round shapes of the workpiece in this case are the best option for work. Using a bead-shaped base, we seal it with our base. In addition to round beads, we can also use beads in the shape of squares, triangles and other options. Finishing workPearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo №7Next, the beads need to be fired in the oven.Set the temperature to 130 degrees and wait 20 minutes (or another amount of time, depending on the material). Then, the beads need to be covered with varnish!Pearl bead from polymer clay own hands - a master class. Photo №8At the end of the work, using a small winding of rubber band, as well as fixing materials, we form a necklace or a hand decoration - a bracelet. You can also make a version of a chain of beads.

