New wardrobe from old boxes
For making furniture with your own handsIt is not necessary to use new materials, drawings and complex designs. Mankind has already created a huge number of cabinets, chests of drawers and nightstands, the drawers and shelves of which are perfect for a new designer hand-made cabinet!The author of such original furniture is RupertBlanchard The main rule he follows when creating old new furniture is to reuse objects that can no longer serve their original purpose, to make the unwanted desirable again.The designer's passion for old antique boxesbegan in early childhood, when he was attracted by his grandmother's old chest of drawers with many drawers filled with all sorts of useful items. Growing up, Rupert began to collect unnecessary, old boxes, often broken, thrown out, without "original" furniture.Here's what the designer says:"I collect hundreds of boxes, doors, hardware and light fixtures before I find the right combination to create a new DIY piece of furniture. I only use old, discarded and odd boxes that no longer have a frame, so the work can remain unfinished for months while I search for that elusive, perfect box to complete the design."Every detail of old furniture has its own richhistory, some antique boxes from the Victorian era. Often the fittings are not even painted or otherwise decorated, only cosmetic cleaning and repair. In this way, you can create truly unique furniture, imbued with the spirit of different eras and styles.Tips for making your own cabinets and furniturewith your hands is simple. Find the frame of a chest of drawers, a sideboard or a wardrobe, tidy it up and try to fill the sections with different drawers, shelves and doors that you can find at flea markets, sales, attics, basements or at friends' dachas!Give new life to old furniture! Source