A new version of the Tilda doll in a summer dress with your own hands – pattern master class
The existence of dolls in the world dates back to ancient timestimes, and the children's goods market only offers new models and versions of similar toys. One of these dolls was a rag version of the Tilda doll, which found popularity among both the adult generation and children. Making a Tilda doll at home – This is a special process that requires a careful approach from the master and suitable knowledge, with the help of which you can design a unique version of the doll. For the first time, tilde dolls appeared in the last century.
A new version of the Tilda doll in a summer dress with your own hands – pattern master class
Their story comes from the author – TonyFinnanger, a girl artist from Norway, who managed to organize an entire brand based on one interesting idea for a rag doll. In addition, the Tilda toy brand – This is a rather expensive gift, which is sometimes not so easy to afford. The Tilda doll was purchased by the toy manufacturer “Panduro Hobby” and is now quite an expensive toy. Not everyone can handle the price tag of such a seemingly innocent toy. Tilde toy – how to do it and what is needed? But, you can also prepare an interesting and unique version of a rag toy yourself. This will require special knowledge, as well as a special master class that will tell you about preparing a pattern, a template and, in fact, the very process of sewing such a doll. In addition, to create a tilde doll, even an experienced craftsman will need a set of instructions on the material with which he will work. Next, you will also be presented with a version of the materials you will need to work with:The conditional face variation for the tilde isa small convex nose, as well as eye spots, and also the absence of a mouth area. A disheveled version of fluffy hair, or a neat hairstyle in the form of a braid, bun, or ponytail. The body should be slightly plump, have long, thin arms, and small legs. Pattern for tildeTo get started, you will need a smallкусочек легкого материала ткани, которая не тянется. Ткань должны быть цвета тела. также, должны быть пряжа светлого цвета и шерсть, которую мы будем использовать для волос. Небольшие ленты лоскутки, кружево и бусины для пошива платья. В основе нашего наряда – красивая куколка купальщицы. Растягиваем и удлиняем при помощи компьютерных программ нашу выкройку. Распечатываем и переносим на тканевую основу. Полотенце и купальная шапка в данном случае – не учитываются. Детали вырезаются при помощи ткани, их должно быть в таком количестве, как указано на чертежах. Прострачиваем по контуру, оставляем отверстия на нижней части туловища, а также для рук – сверху. Детали необходимо вывернуть, оставить для них швы с прострочкой во внутренней части. Набивается часть тела при помощи материалов халафайбера, либо синтепона. Элементы сшиваются друг с дружкой. Таким образом, мы подготовили тельце. Preparing a bathing dress Bathing dressis done in this way: it is necessary to make substitutions for the length of the body, starting from the neck and ending with the waist. We multiply the result by two, we get a value that will be equal to the length for the top in the future. The waist circumference is used to create the width of the part. Using these parameters, it is necessary to build a rectangle, do not forget about the increase in the seams in the parameter of 5 to 7 millimeters. We make holes in the middle for the head. For the long sides, we make the shape of convex semicircles. The front is decorated with a collar or with bead embroidery. After, the part is tried on the doll. Using the hole for the future head connector, we also make a small version of the slit to the back. For the head, it is necessary to make free space in the clothes.The edge of the neck is processed using a stitchmachine, then - sew on ribbons in the form of fasteners, on the edges along the neckline. In order to make a pattern of sleeves, it is necessary to apply the upper part of the dress under the patch and outline it so that the fabric has carved semicircles. The semicircles are cut out and sewn along the outer part of the lace at the edges. The sleeves are stitched. for a rectangular patch, a skirt is formed by stitching along one side of the length so that the length is equal to the circumference parameter for the upper piece, gathered in small folds. The bottom is edged with lace. The free side of the workpiece is stitched, the clothes are sewn together, the skirt and the top of the dress are also sewn. Sewing and preparing other elementsThe hairstyle can be felted using wool.We use a dry method for this. Those who do not know how to work with wool can be advised to use improvised headwear options. We form a cap or a hat. Sew in braids, they are formed using a floss thread. The doll must be dressed. Also, sew on black eye booms and put dots using a marker. Tilda also has a blush, for this you will need acrylic paints. Sew skirts at the bottom, using bright fabric. Using an elastic band, put it under our dress. The summer version of the doll is ready!