New Year's envelope for money with their own hands (with a template)

New Year's envelope for money with their own hands (with a template)

New Year's envelope for money Did you know what to make a New Year's envelope formoney can do it yourself literally ten minutes? In this master class, I described exactly this way. The envelope is small, square in shape; the bill in it is folded in half.

To make a New Year's envelope for your own money, you will need:

a sheet of cardboard of silver color A4;Christmas stickers or any other suitable decor; scissors; ruler; non-writing pen, plastic needle or any other object with a small rounded tip; double-sided tape (will speed up the process) or a stapler (if there is no tape), after all, glue. What you need to make a New Year's envelope for money If you build the pattern yourself according to our description, and not print out a ready-made template from this article, you will additionally need a pencil and compass.

We offer print New Year's envelope for money - template

Click on the pattern to open it in pdf format and send it to print. We recommend you immediately lay in the printer a sheet of cardboard for printing on the wrong side.

How to build a template

The pattern can be easily built manually. To do this, we draw two squares with a side of 10 cm, in which one side is common. Then we add a cap-valve to the upper side of one square: a rectangle 0.5 cm high; and to it - a semicircle (mark the center of the side of the rectangle, and in it set the point of the compass). Move to the top side of the second square. Draw a horizontal line below the upper side of the square by 1 cm; this line should not reach 1 cm on each side either to the right and left side of the square. Make a rounding with a radius of 1 cm. We draw on two free sides of the same “wing” square for gluing.

New Year's envelope for money: a step-by-step master class

The template is transferred onto cardboard or printed out on the back of the sheet prepared for the envelope. Draw or transfer the pattern to the sheet We cut out. Cut out a template of a New Year's envelope for money. Folds under the line of plastic needle or any other suitable object - for example, non-food handle. Plastic needle mark bends The same folds bend along the ruler. This will make them more accurate, to avoid the formation of creases. Bend under the ruler On the "wings" glue pieces of double-sided tape. Pasting double-sided tape on the wings And collect our New Year's envelope for money. We stick together a New Year's envelope for money Envelope for money New Year's themes It remains to decorate. I picked up different New Year stickers, but the best was a big sticker with Santa Claus in a sleigh. She came just in size. We select the decor for the New Year's envelope for money His and use. Let's decorate a New Year's envelope for money with a themed sticker. We invest money. On the seamy side of the valve, you can write a few greeting words. We invest money in the New Year's envelope And seal the envelope with a suitable small sticker from the same sheet - it is better if the decor is designed in the same style on both sides. We seal the New Year's envelope for money New Year's envelope for money is ready - we made it with our own hands quickly and easily. New Year's envelope for money: master class New Year's envelope for money: MK New Year's envelope for money with their own hands Eva Casio specifically for the site Workshops on needlework Previous article: Next article:

