Beautiful pendants on the door with your own hands

Beautiful pendants on the door with your own hands

Viscings on the door with your own handsIn this article we will consider what can be usedmake pendants on the door with your own hands, without specialized equipment and complex expensive tools. Almost all the presented options can be easily made at home or in a small workshop. What are pendants? Pendants or door curtains are used in doorways instead of interior doors. They are designed to zone the interior in rooms where the installation of a regular wooden door is not very convenient. The main task of the pendants is to close the doorway, but at the same time not to hinder the passage of adults, children and pets through it. Is it worth making curtains on the door with your own hands? Pendants on the door are sold in many stores that sell interior items. Mostly, wood products are on sale - they are beautiful, convenient and have a very affordable price. Therefore, making pendants with your own hands is only worth it if you just like to tinker or want something original, different from store analogues.

Ways of making your own by yourself

1. From wine corks.Holes are punched in the corks with an awl or drilled, after which a thick reinforced thread is threaded through them. To prevent the corks from being pressed tightly against each other, you can make knots on the thread. You can also simply place beads between the corks.Pendants on the door with their own hands of wine stoppers Pendants on the door with their own hands of wine stoppersThe problem with this method is thatIt is quite difficult to find such a large number of corks. And buying them is expensive even in China (approximately $ 15-17 for 100 pieces). But if you still have access to wine corks, then go for it. You can also look at other crafts from wine corks, which are quite possible to make with your own hands. 2. From optical discs (CD, DVD). Cool curtains for doors made with your own hands are made from optical discs (many call them compact discs, but this is not entirely correct, since this term is only suitable for CDs). They look cool and are quite easy to make. Finding the right number of discs is also not a problem, since now every computer owner has a lot of them, and they are no longer used, since they are morally obsolete, giving way to flash drives (you can buy cool handmade flash drives on our website - see the work of craftsmen).Viscings on the door with your own hands from the discs Viscings on the door with your own hands from the discsTo make door pendants you needdrill holes in the disks on both sides and pass a thread through these holes. Before drilling, draw a line that goes through the very center of the disk and measure the same distance from the edge. If you start drilling by eye, you will not achieve symmetry and it will look very ugly. You can also connect the disks with regular paper clips. This option is simpler, but with a nylon thread it will be neater and prettier. 3. From paper clips. One of the easiest ways to make DIY door pendants. You only need to connect the paper clips to each other to get many long strips. You can attach the strips directly to the door frame, but it is better to attach them to a separate strip, which is then installed in the upper part of the doorway.Viscings on the door with your own hands from paper clipsIf you put colored cambric on the paper clips orpieces of thick paper, it will be even more interesting. How to do this, see the video below. 4. From buttons. To make a curtain for the door, you can use buttons of different sizes and colors. They are put on a thick fishing line or a thin but strong thread.Viscings on the door with your own hands of buttonsThis option looks original, but strongfor an amateur. But it is very easy to make and has a low cost price (buttons are inexpensive, so is the fishing line). 5. From shells. Both large and small shells are suitable for pendants. Both can be collected in large quantities on beaches far from civilization, especially on the Sea of ​​Azov. But buying shells is not entirely profitable, since their price at resorts is usually indecently high.Pendants on the door with their own hands from seashellsYou can attach shells either with a fishing line or with a thick reinforced thread.Pendants on the door with their own hands from seashellsBy combining the size and shape of the shells, as well as their number, you can achieve a completely different appearance of the curtain. In our opinion, products made from a large number of small shells look the most impressive.Pendants on the door with their own hands from seashells Pendants on the door with their own hands from seashells Pendants on the door with their own hands from seashells Pendants on the door with their own hands from seashells6. From cocktail straws.Cocktail straws are made of food-grade plastic and are cheap, so they can be safely used for door hangings. Making curtains out of them is so simple, there is no need to even explain.Viscings on the door with your hands from the tubesHowever, just tubes will look boring, so it is better to add beads of different sizes and colors to them.Viscings on the door with your hands from the tubes7. From beads.The most obvious way to make curtains for doors (and not only) is to use plastic and glass beads. They are put on a fishing line, which is fixed on top with double-sided tape or in some other way. The correct way to thread the fishing line is shown in the picture below.Pendants on the door with your own hands of beads schemeThat is, you must start from the bottom edge. Moreover, the bottom pair of beads must be heavy so that the curtain is always straightened to the floor.Pendants on the door with your own hands from beadsYou can make the curtain even more beautiful by placing colored beads in such a way that they form a pattern together. It is better to calculate the arrangement in advance or find ready-made schemes on the Internet.Pendants on the door with your own hands from beadsFor clarity, we provide a diagram of a cute parrot.#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */Viscings on the door with your own hands Viscings on the door with your own hands Viscings on the door with your own hands Viscings on the door with your own handsThey will help you make a diagram for your drawingspecial programs for beading. They are called scheme generators. There are quite a lot of different programs, you need those that allow you to work with canvases (Portable mosaic and similar).

