A beautiful panel for a salted dough kitchen. Master class with detailed descriptions and photos for beginners.
Today we will try to dive into creativity. In this master class we will make a panel for the kitchen. And it will not even be just a panel, but a talisman. This is what you should get:Consumables:
- salt,
- flour (only not pancake!),
- water,
- Double-sided tape,
- pieces of cloth,
- veneer,
- food film,
- varnish,
- Glue Moment.
We will be making the panel from salt dough. The dough for modeling is made according to the following recipe:
- 1 cup of fine salt (not iodized)
- 2 cups of flour
- 125 ml. cold water.
You can add a little more or a little less water,depending on the quality of the flour. To mold small parts, you can add PVA glue to the dough. To make the dough more flexible, add a little sunflower oil to it. Knead the resulting dough well, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator overnight. We start working the next day. After the plywood on which our picture will be located is ready, we choose a pattern. You can simply mold "by eye". If you are not very good with your eye, it is better to apply a sketch of the future work to the plywood. Cover the plywood with cling film. Cut the film so that it can be folded under the plywood. And we begin to mold.We keep the dough in a bag, as it dries very quickly. For detailed development of the drawing, everything will come in handy - a toothpick, an awl, a ruler, yes, in general, anything.
Here is our grandfather ready.
This work was dried on the radiator.Although it is possible in the oven, but not very hot, about 150 degrees, otherwise it may crack. After everything has dried well, we prime the work. Primer - flour, PVA glue, water. We coat all the details with this composition (liquid). A wide and soft brush is very convenient for this work. Again, we put it to dry. Coloring the work Watercolors go great on salt dough. It is best to paint with soft, squirrel brushes. You need at least two of them. A thick one for applying the base color and a thin one for detailed elaboration.
After painting, the mushrooms are dried.When the work dries, we cover it with varnish. We used the most common, quick-drying, colorless, St. Petersburg varnish. It goes on great. We covered the work with varnish using a tampon - cotton wool inside, a soft cotton cloth on top.
Dry again. Meanwhile, prepare the background. In this case, the background decor consists of fabric. We glue the plywood with double-sided tape and stretch the fabric on top:
As soon as the background is ready, carefully transfer the work from the film to the plywood. Glue it in place with Moment glue. And then dry it again so that everything sticks and holds. The panel is ready!