Not all women can boast of beautiful long hair, but this is not a problem, since the use of overhead strands will help you.

Not all women can boast of beautiful long hair, but this is not a problem, since the use of overhead strands will help you.

Naturalness of artificial hairstyles.Using Hair Extensions at Home Many girls, and even older women, prefer to wear long hair, since their healthy appearance alone attracts with its magnetic shine. However, not all representatives of the fair half of humanity can afford long hair. Thin and sparse hair will not look very advantageous, for example, on loose hair. Due to some individual characteristics, many girls cut their hair quite short, although deep down they dream of appearing, say, at a prom with luxurious long curls. On the other hand, any girl with a short haircut at some significant moment in her life may want to adorn herself with a lush head of hair. And, of course, there is a way out. These are hair extensions or curls, which compare favorably with the use of wigs.Hairstyles with false strands. Photo №1There are situations when a woman with shorthaircut suddenly decided to radically change her image, but only for one day. For such experimentation with your hairstyle, modern high-quality false curls, which are widely used in creating fashionable hairstyles by the world's leading couturiers, are perfect. With the help of such accessories today you can use them to create completely natural styling for long hair, for medium-length strands and for short haircuts. Also, it is not always necessary to sacrifice your own hair to create an original beautiful image.

A little from the history of using artificial strands

Even in the times of ancient Egypt, the great pharaohsand their entourage began to use all sorts of wigs and false locks. It is known that in ancient Rome and in the glorious times of the Middle Ages, wigs were even a kind of indicator of a person's status. Artificial hair, as a rule, was the prerogative of people from high society. Moreover, in those days, naturalness in hairstyles was not highly valued, and even men wore bleached wigs with wavy curls.Hairstyles with false strands. Photo # 2False hair has begun to go out of fashionOnly at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and even then they began to be replaced by false locks. Such curls were most popular in France. They say that in one year they sold more than a hundred tons of artificial hair.Hairstyles with false strands. Picture №3The beginning of the twentieth century was accompanied byusing false strands in the style of Madame Pompadour. However, already in the twenties of the last century, hairstyles gradually began to acquire new characteristics. Wavy styling made on one's own hair came into fashion. Gradually, hair began to open more and more, until the natural beauty of natural strands became relevant again. Today, natural healthy curls are much more fashionable than unnatural wigs. However, false curls have become a fashionable hit these days, because with their help you can create absolutely incomparable beautiful hairstyles.

Ways to make hairstyles for long hair with overhead locks

Hair extensions can be used to create hairstylesserve as a wonderful addition to the chosen image. Moreover, the use of such decorations allows you to experiment with your appearance absolutely painlessly and safely. For example, today, to create incredible fashionable hairstyles with false strands, many hairdressing masters use real hair, which looks natural in the hairstyle. And having selected the strands also to the type of your hair, it will be almost impossible to distinguish them from your own. And the variety of hairstyles that can be created using false strands is simply amazing! At home, as an option, you can use false hair, which is attached to hairstyles with hairpins. Such accessories can be fixed under your hair or above it in different variations. Surprisingly, thanks to false strands, you can create incredible holiday hairstyles! Since one of the main purposes of artificially created curls is to add volume or length, then to a greater extent such strands are appropriate to use where it is supposed to create splendor and, possibly, add length. Next, we would like to offer you several options for creating evening hairstyles using false strands. A cute chignon Take false strands that best match your own hair or those that you simply like. Comb the strands of false hair with a regular comb and form a chignon out of them. Hide it under the strands of your own hair, styling them in a suitable way. Your own hair can be beautifully curled with a curling iron or other devices. To attach the chignon to your hair, it is best to use invisible pins. In fact, in such a simple and quick way you can make a beautiful voluminous hairstyle.Hairstyles with false strands. Photo №4Braids from false strands If you adorevarious braids, false strands can be a great option for creating a beautiful hairstyle. Artificial strands can be matched to the color of your own hair, or, on the contrary, you can choose a completely different shade. It depends on what kind of hairstyle you prefer to do, in what style and for what purpose. Braids can be braided directly on false strands, and then fixed to your hair as you please. For example, you can lay out a false braid in the form of a kind of headband. Braid the braid tightly enough so that the headband does not fall apart.Hairstyles with false strands. Photo №5Quick curls from false strands If you havethere is not much time to create any complex hairstyles, but you want to look very attractive, then you can take false strands and fix them near the base of the forehead, as well as near the temples. Curl the strands with a flat iron in light waves. This way, you will get beautiful curls without even damaging your own hair. Alternatively, you can use one of the curls to intercept all the others (along with your own strands) and tie a ponytail. Actually, there can be many variations of execution.Hairstyles with false strands. Photo №6

Features of the laying of synthetic and natural overhead strands

For anyone who wants to try using itfalse strands, you should know that they can be both synthetic and natural. At the same time, styling one of the others has its own nuances. Although artificial curls do not look completely natural, they have one significant advantage - it is unusually easy to style such hair, because special materials are used for their production, so as not to bother either hairdressers or ordinary consumers once again. If you are going to use any hair products, for example, foam or hairspray, then they must be used in moderation, because they are quite difficult to wash off from such strands. The disadvantages of using artificial synthetic false strands include the fact that they have to be washed for reuse with special solutions. For example, you can wash such "hair" with dishwashing detergent. In this case, after using the detergent, a special conditioner should be applied to the strands, which will help restore their softness. As for natural extensions, they certainly look more natural, and if you choose them correctly to match the color of your own hair, such extensions will be completely invisible in your hairstyle. There is, however, a possibility that such curls may be much more difficult to style than your own hair. But this will only require habit from you. With a little practice, you can quickly and easily cope with artificial natural extensions. The advantages of using natural strands include the fact that when styling them, you can use any tools that are intended for hot styling of your own hair, that is, irons, curling irons, hair dryers and even hot rollers will not damage such strands. At the same time, such strands can be washed together with your own hair with regular shampoo, then using conditioners, masks or hair balms.Hairstyles with false strands. Photo №7

The basic rules of care for false hair

It is clear that false strands cannot becomeown, so they require special care. So, pay special attention to the following points of the rules related to the care of false strands:

  • Always be careful and careful when combing overhead strands and artificial hair, use the softest scallops.
  • Before washing the curls, they must be combed with a soft brush.
  • If you wear overhead strands daily, do not wash it often. One or two times a month will be enough.
  • To artificial braids less confused,when washing, shampoo should be spread over the entire length of the strands, just soaking the hairs. Your movements should go from the beginning of the strands to their tips. Do not twist the strands in any way and do not rub against each other.
  • Competently select any cosmetic means for the care of false hair, so that they retain as much as possible their qualities, namely, their softness and silky.
  • If you apply funds for laying artificial strands, leave them on the curls for at least fifteen minutes.
  • If you use a mask, strands are necessaryalways comb and dry. Use brushes with sparse teeth to do this. And the direction of your movements should start from the bottom to the top.
  • It is recommended to apply moisturizing serums or sprays to the tips of the overhead strands.
  • When using the air conditioner, make sure that it is intended for dry hair.
  • In the event that the street is raining and there is generally a high humidity, you should fix your hair with a varnish.
  • Always nurture false hair, using useful tools for artificial strands.
  • When curling curls, the temperature of the frying pan or ironing should not be more than 150 degrees.
  • Overhead strands have the ability to paint, but the paint should not be kept for too long. The maximum time is 15 minutes.
  • With overhead strands in the hair, you can swim or, for example, visit the sauna. However, it is recommended at the same time to collect hair in a ponytail, and it is better to use a special bathing cap.

Quality and cost of overhead strands

Hair extensions made from synthetic materialsmaterials, as a rule, have excellent quality characteristics. However, you should ensure that the product has the appropriate quality certificate. When buying artificial strands, you need to know that they can be strikingly different from your natural hair. Also, when buying, always check such a product by touch. False strands of natural hair, of course, look more natural than curls made of synthetic materials. However, many girls are embarrassed by the understanding that they will be wearing someone else's hair. Here the choice is yours. Regarding the cost of products in the form of false strands, we can say for sure that products made of natural material are much more expensive than synthetic analogues. At the same time, even artificial false strands are quite expensive. So if you see a cheap price - you should not buy the product. Most likely, this is a low-grade fake. Summing up this publication, we can definitely state that false strands as an original decoration or addition to your hairstyle will look great if used correctly. Make yourself beautiful and be happy, dear women!Hairstyles with false strands. Photo №8

