We offer a master class, a detailed study of which will help you easily sew a dress transformer yourself

We offer a master class, a detailed study of which will help you easily sew a dress transformer yourself

Master-class in tailoring dress transformerhands On the eve of summer we offer a master class on sewing a dress of a transformer. Dress transformer is easy to sew by own hands, without special skills. It fits any shape. The most famous dress transformer was created about 40 years ago. The invention of the dress of the transformer "Infinite dress" belongs to Lydia Silvestre. Working as a journalist in various countries of the world, the dress of the transformer often helped her. The dress created the impression of a huge wardrobe. At the age of twenty, Lydia created this dress. Later she became a designer of clothes, and the dress received a new life. Show dresses transformer took place in May 1976 in a London private residence. The show was attended by journalists. More than 100 models were shown, but only after the presentation was announced, that this one dress in different variations! This dress can sew even a beginner! So, let's get started. For work we need: 5 meters of knitted fabric, which stretches; thread, in the tone of jersey; paper for the pattern; needles; scissors; a piece of chalk; sewing machine. First you need to take measurements. We measure the waist and divide the result by four. This value we need to make the dress exactly sat on the waist. 1. Let's build a skirt pattern for the transformer dress. On paper, note the first segment, equal to the length of our dress. The second segment of the same length is measured at an angle of 90 degrees. We measure the length of a semicircular segment whose value corresponds to ¼ of the waist. In the photo, everything is clearly visible. Everything, the pattern is ready. Cut it out. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo №1 2. Now fold the fabric four times. Top the pattern. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo # 2 3. Cut out the skirt. We got a skirt-sun. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Picture №3 4.Wrap 2 straps for the dress. The width of the straps is 20 cm, we choose the length at our discretion. The longer the straps, the more options for the dress can be made. We cut out. We got two rectangles. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo №4 5-6. We impose them on each other overlapping 10 cm and pins needles to the skirt. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo №5 sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo №6 7.The next stage of the work is to cut out the belt for the dress. The length of the belt corresponds to the length of the waist, you can do a little less, provided that the jersey is well stretched. Cut and attach to the skirt as shown in the photo. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo №7 8. We sew and dress the transformer is ready! sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo №8 9. Now you can drape this dress in various variations, it all depends on your imagination. sew the dress transformer with your hands. Photo Number 9 Good luck in all your endeavors! sew the dress transformer with your hands. Picture №10

