How to sew a pretty sarafan for a girl on a pattern with her own hands. Step-by-step description of the sewing process

How to sew a pretty sarafan for a girl on a pattern with her own hands. Step-by-step description of the sewing process

Every girl wants to look beautiful and individual, but it is difficult to do this when buying clothes in a store. Therefore, there is a good opportunity to sew a sarafan for a girl yourself.How to sew a pretty sarafan for a girl on a pattern with her own hands. Step-by-step description of the sewing process. Photo №8Materials needed: Brightly colored fabric Red ribbon Two buttons Flower Sewing suppliesWork process:1.Takes measurements from the child, measuring the distance from the armpits to the ankles (L1). Draw two rectangular figures, with sides L1 equal to 61 cm, on material folded in half beforehand.2. Place the drawn rectangles face-to-face along the side equal to L1 and stitch them, leaving 10 mm. The result is a pipe. Iron the allowances.3. Fold the edge where the hem will be located twice by 10 mm, iron and stitch. 4. Make a 50 mm indent from the hem and sew on the ribbon.5.on the opposite side, make a line to gather later. 6. take measurements from the chest circumference (L2). Draw two rectangular figures, the sides of which are equal to L2 + 50 mm and 100 mm. 7. fold and iron on all sides by 20 mm, doing this with all the rectangles.8.stitch a ribbon along the central line of the parts. 9. place the first part on a flat surface and mark its center. mark the center on the other elements (strips) and fasten with pins so that the long piece is located between the two narrow ones. 10. attach the edges of the two strips to the back half, but leave the ends 25 mm long. 11. pull on the remaining line to the required size and pin, measuring equal distances. place the main material between the strips approximately 20 mm.12.Now you need to check everything to make sure all the pieces are evenly spaced. Next, sew all 3 layers along the bottom of the strips. 13. Cut out a rectangular shape from the material that is 102 cm long and 5 cm wide. 14. To make the edges of the frill neatly, tuck the ends in by 10 mm, bend the material and sew along the edge, leaving 0.5 cm. 15. Fold the strip in half and also sew completely. Attach the center of the strip to the middle of the piece in front and the ends to the back. 16. Pull the thread together to gather the strip into frills, distributing them at equal distances along the entire length. Sew all 3 layers. 17. Making the edges of the bodice neatly, tuck 50 mm of material inward and sew. Sew the buttons on one side. 18. To make the loops, cut two pieces of material 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Place them in half with the right sides facing inward and sew, then cut off the excess and turn them inside out. 19. Sew the loops inserted between the materials. 20. To make the straps, cut off pieces about 20 cm long and 10 cm wide. Place 2.5 cm in the center on each side, then fold in half again. Fold the edges 5 mm. 21. Cut out an arched figure that is 30 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. Fold 3 mm from the right side and sew. 22. Insert the unfinished edge of the frill into the strap, making beautiful folds, and sew everything. Stitch the completed straps to the wrong side of the outfit.At the end we attach a flower and the sarafan is done! Your little one will be happy to wear it on a hot summer day!

