How to sew a lightweight top with a bow? A detailed master-class on tailoring, which is tied at the top to the belts
Hello! I am pleased to present to you this simple-to-date and a master class on making summer stamp with a bow.It's very easy to do, even without a sewing machine.experience. Even if you don't cut it quite right or the seam isn't perfect, the imperfections won't be noticeable because of the gathers. You can make it even easier by buying a ribbon so you don't have to sew your own belt. Materials:
- about 0.7 m jersey,
- 0.3-0.4 m of silk, cotton or other similar fabric.
The knitwear shown in the photo is in widthis 150 cm, and the pink rayon is 115 cm. Your material does not have to be exactly the same size as the example. Just keep in mind that if you buy fabric that is less wide, you may need to buy more to compensate. 1. Cut two large squares that are 75 x 75 cm.2. You need to make a fold at the top of each square 5 cm wide and iron it.
3. Sew with a zigzag stitch (this type of seam is elastic).
4. Start working on the belt. 5. Cut the fabric in half so that you get two strips 115 x 15 cm.
Sew two strips together lengthwise.
6. Fold the resulting wide strip in half lengthwise and sew it into a tube with pointed ends, as shown below.
7. Leave a gap of approximately 20 cm in the longitudinal seam so that the waistband can be turned inside out. 8. Cut off excess fabric.
9. Turn the belt inside out.
10. Now you should sew up the hole with a blind stitch, using which you turned the belt inside out, and iron the product.
11. Use a safety pin to insert the waistband into the top of the tank top.
12. Now you should try on the top and mark with a pin the place under the arm where the seam should start.
13. Pin the place of the future seam.
14. Sew the sides of our top.
You can make a hem at the bottom to your taste.or leave it raw if your fabric is not prone to unraveling. Voila. Done! I told you it was easy! A lightweight summer top. Perfect for hot weather.