How to tie Mishka with knitting needles. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK
The more toys appear on the shelvesstores, the higher the value of those made by hand. And about a hundred years ago, everything was exactly the opposite - purchased toys were valued higher than homemade ones. Such is the paradox. Today, a handmade toy is a 100% exclusive, it is the warmth of the soul invested in it. You can hug it to your chest, put it next to you on your pillow, take it on a trip and generally never part with it anywhere or ever, because such a toy becomes a talisman for many children, and even for adults.
Let's try to make one of the most popular toys - a teddy bear. There are many different manufacturing technologies, but we will knit it with knitting needles.
Materials and tools
The bear is knitted with knitting needles from different yarns, whichwill determine its appearance by fifty percent. The yarn can be smooth, fluffy, it can be a special plush yarn "Nazar" (a 50-gram skein is enough to knit a 20-centimeter bear) or various types of grass (from it you get funny, slightly disheveled bears).It is most convenient to work with acrylic or cotton -these threads are light, flexible enough, they allow you to tie even, neat details. So, to tie a bear cub (let it be a classic Teddy), you will need:
- yarn of main and additional colors;
- thread for embroidery face;
- buttons or beads for eyes;
- holofayber (or other material for stuffing toys);
- knitting needles;
- needle;
- scissors;
- measuring tape.
Getting Started
Homemade toys cannot be made according toon the "slapdash" principle, on the contrary, we knit them especially carefully, neatly. This work is not for beginner needlewomen, although, it would seem, where to learn the skill, if not from a toy. The fact is that the teddy bear (like any other animal) consists of several small parts that must be done very competently, with a good command of all the necessary skills. Mistakes and flaws on a small product are especially noticeable. Start working with a pattern (Fig. 1), which will determine the main parameters of the toy, the proportionality of the parts. During work, often apply the parts to the pattern, mentally making a small increase "for fullness". By the way, if the knitted parts turn out to be slightly larger than the pattern, the excess can be removed in the seam. If you narrow the paws or head, then such a mistake may be irreparable and you will have to unravel the fragment and make it from scratch.Quite often, various Internet sites providea detailed master class, in which everything is described in the smallest details down to each loop. Such a master class can help someone, and, alas, harm someone. The fact is that we all knit in our own manner - tightly or more loosely, so it will be safer to start working not with counting the loops that the description of the product indicates to you, but with a hand-knitted sample in order to determine your knitting density, and already based on the size of the pattern, dial the required number of loops. By the way, if Teddy is your first toy (and you hope, not the last), do not be lazy to make a step-by-step record of how you worked on it. A detailed description will greatly help you in the future - this will be the best master class you can imagine, taking into account your individual skills.
Operating procedure
Keep in mind that you need to knit quite a bittightly, firstly, so that the seams on the connected parts look neater, and secondly, so that the stuffing material is not visible through the knitted fabric, and especially does not crawl out of it. We knit our Teddy with garter stitch (although there are options, for example, stocking knitting). Knit a panel for the body and head, marking the place where the neck will be with a colored thread (Fig. 5). If you want to make the body and head separately, you will have two panels instead of one.Finishing the body detail with its lower part(the one to which the legs are attached), use a thread of a different color as the finishing thread, so that later you can unravel it, and gather the open loops onto the knitting needles and begin knitting the bear's legs (Fig. 2).
Then knit the paws (Fig. 3, 4) and ears separately.
Make your knitted Teddy bear a joyclose to other funny teddy bears: maybe one of them likes Fizzy Moon (a funny fat man with a pink button on his belly) or snow-white polar Umka with a beautiful bright striped scarf. From job to job, it will be easier for you to manage small details. And if the work goes well, it brings great joy. Watch similar master classes: