How to weave a beautiful snowflake from rubber bands? Detailed description of the technique of weaving, step by step guide and photo

How to weave a beautiful snowflake from rubber bands? Detailed description of the technique of weaving, step by step guide and photo

Continuing the theme of weaving from colored rubber bandsvarious figures and not forgetting about the theme of the approaching New Year and Christmas holidays, I want to offer you an interesting master class on creating a delicate openwork snowflake using a slingshot and a hook. Such a figurine can well serve as an unusual New Year's souvenir, a Christmas tree decoration, and such snowflakes can also be used to decorate a New Year's costume, hairstyle, etc. As for the complexity of such work, I would classify it as average, at first something may not work out, but making, one by one, the constituent elements of the snowflake, each time everything will turn out faster and better and in the end you will certainly be able to create your own masterpiece. Separately, I want to draw your attention to the material from which I wove my figurine, for this I chose blue translucent rubber bands, thanks to their unusual texture, the snowflake looks especially delicate and believable, with a slight shimmer.

Materials and tools

So, to make a snowflake from rubber bands we will need:

  • translucent gums of a blue hue;
  • elastic bands of white color;
  • slingshot;
  • hook.

Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №1

Description of work

1.Please note that the main part of the snowflake will consist of blue translucent rubber bands, so we will need more of them, and the decoration on the rays will be made of white rubber bands, we do not need so many of them. We take the first white rubber band and throw it in three turns on one of the posts of the slingshot (in our case - this is the right one), which we have previously turned towards ourselves with the existing notches.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo # 22. Next, take two rubber bands of the main blue color and place them on both columns of the slingshot at once.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Picture №33. Using the hook, carefully drop the white elastic band wound in three layers from the right column onto the center of the two upper elastic bands.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №44. Now we transfer the remaining blue rubber bands from the left column of the slingshot to the left one and thus obtain the first element of one ray of the snowflake.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №55. Based on the steps described above, we form two more identical elements in the same way and place them all on the right column of the slingshot.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №66. After this, take the next pair of blue rubber bands and place them on both columns of the slingshot.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №77. Then, using the auxiliary hook, remove the first element from the left column to the middle of the upper pair of blue rubber bands.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №88. Then we move two more of the same elements from the right column to the rubber bands.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 99. Now we put another pair of blue rubber bands on the slingshot, just like we did all the previous times.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Picture №1010. Next, using a hook, move the loops of the first element of the snowflake that were formed from the right column of the slingshot to the center of the upper pair of elastic bands.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 1111. Using the same principle, we throw the loop from the left column of the slingshot onto the top pair of rubber bands and throw another pair of blue rubber bands onto it.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo number 1212. On the next pair of elastic bands from both columns, we throw off the lower loops one by one using a hook, in the way we are already familiar with.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №1313. Now we throw the remaining loop from the left column of the slingshot onto the right one and move the first finished ray of the snowflake further away, towards the base of the tool, so that it does not interfere with our work.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 1414. Repeating steps 1 through 13, described in detail above, we form another ray of the snowflake, only we place it on the opposite column of the slingshot.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo number 1515. Next, we make 4 more of the same rays; in total, 6 of them will be needed to create one snowflake.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo number 1616.After all the individual elements of the snowflake are ready, we proceed directly to its assembly. For this we will need another pair of blue rubber bands, we put it on the slingshot, just as we did all the previous times.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo number 1717. We begin to move our snowflake ray elements to the upper elastic band, we do this with the help of a hook, we remove the first element from the top.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 1818. Next, in exactly the same way, one by one from opposite columns, we remove the remaining elements.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 1919. Then we transfer the remaining elastic loop on the right column, consisting of 2 elastic bands, to the left column.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo number 2020. Remove the remaining rubber bands from the post onto the hook and pull one loop through the second, as shown in the photo below.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 2121. We tuck the remaining loop using a hook between the closest weaving elements of the figure.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo Number 2222. In order to hang our snowflake, we pull a blue elastic band through the central upper white elastic band of one of the rays with a crochet hook and tighten it into a knot.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo # 2323. If necessary, pull another elastic band through the formed loop and get a second loop, an elongated pattern, which we also secure with a knot.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo # 2424. This is the snowflake we got from rubber bands.Photo for a lesson on weaving snowflakes from rubber bands. Photo №25All that remains is to find a worthy use for it; I decided to decorate the Christmas tree with such a snowflake.

