How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description

How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description

One of the most perfect creations of nature -flowers. Bright and gentle, with a sharp strong aroma and completely odorless, all possible shades of the rainbow and sizes. Many of them are composed of many legends and myths, flowers dedicated to the ancient gods, believed in their magical power. They were used in rituals and were preparing medicines. And of course, they admired their beauty. The flower was and still is a narcissus. His cultivation began in ancient Persia. King Cyrus I called the narcissus "an immortal delight created by beauty." In the poetry of the Persians, the eyes of the beloved are called the word "narcissus" or "nargis". The ancient Greeks have a legend about the young Narcissus. He was so beautiful that even divine creatures fell in love with him. But his heart was cold and no one loved. One day he went to the shore of the lake with surprisingly clean water, which the gods themselves kept from dirt, animals and winds. Narcissus bent over his mirror surface and fell in love with his reflection. On the place where he withered from love for himself, a surprisingly fragrant and beautiful flower appeared. The Romans on the contrary, this flower symbolized joy and victory. Wreaths from daffodils were awarded to soldiers. In ancient times in the Germanic tribes there was a belief - getting married, the girl took the flower of a narcissus from the house. It was supposed to take care of him, because how good a flower is, so will the family happiness be complete. To always feel like a winner, like Roman warriors, and have a full cup of family happiness, you can weave the daffodil with your own hands from beads. In this article we will offer 2 variants of weaving, with a detailed scheme and description of the work of this wonderful flower. How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Photo №1 To create the first narcissus you will need:

  • Transparent beads 11/0 white, green, yellow and golden color;
  • Wire 0.4 mm (steel, green and yellow);
  • Strips of thick wire for stems;
  • Floral ribbon is green.

We will make the petals in the French axletechnique. On our site you can find articles with diagrams and a description of how to work in this and other plaiting techniques. For one flower we will need 6 petals. It is necessary to take a piece of steel wire convenient for you length. At a distance of about 8 - 10 cm from one edge, twist the loop (it must be long to hold it comfortably). The smaller segment will be the axis, the larger will be the working wire. On the axis of strung 7 beads of transparent white color. The work wire is also made of beads. Low should be slightly longer than beads of the axis. Tightly press it to the axial low and make a coil of wire around the axis in the place where the beads end. The working wire is positioned at an angle of approximately 45 ° with respect to the axis, this will make our petals sharp. Now we again lower the beads on the working wire and make a turn around the axis, but from below. So make 5 more pairs of arcs, each time increasing the number of beads in the low. In total, 6 pairs of arches are obtained. In our bouquet will be flowers of different sizes, so for one or two daffodils you can make petals with 5 pairs of arcs. How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Photo # 2 The heart of the flower. We make it from beads of golden color. Need loop technology. In one loop there should be about 40 beads. We need 12 loops made on one piece of wire. The distance between the loops can be taken as minimal. We align them in length and have them side by side in one plane. In order to keep the molds you need to flash the structure in the middle of the workpiece. Now you need to fold the construction into the cylinder and bend the upper part of the loops outward, so that it looks like a real flower. How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Picture №3 Stamens. For each flower, several stamens are needed. For small pieces of yellow wire, thread 5 to 6 beads of yellow color, arrange them in the center and roll them into the loop. Buds. For each bud you need 1 petal with 6 pairs of earrings. Just fold it into a spiral. Leaflets. For green we use green wire, for golden yellow. For each of the buds will need 3 sheets. Their plait is similar to the petals. For the axis you need 10 beads of green color and 3 pairs of arches. How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Photo №4 For each flower you need to make 1 morea leaf of beads of golden color. Now we will weave long leaves. On the axis thread on 65 beads and make 5 pairs of earrings. Since the leaves have turned out long, they will need to be sewn with a wire in two places, as we did with the core. How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Photo №5 Assembly. In the heart, we insert stamens, attach the petals. For fastening to the stalk we use a flor tape. Focus on the photo. How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Photo №6 To create a second narcissus, you will need:

  • Beads 11/0 yellow;
  • Ready-made stamens;
  • Line or thread;
  • Needle for beads;
  • Glue or florent tape;
  • Artificial stalk.

How to weave a flower of narcissus from beads, two variants in different techniques of weaving, diagrams, photos and description. Photo №7 Seredinka (a cup) we will weave in techniqueNdebele. The first river. You will need a line (string) 183 cm in length. We will work in one thread. String 10 beads and tie in a ring. The second river. string 4 beads and pass the line to the next bead of the circle. Do this 9 more times. Now you need to pass the line through the first 2 beads from the first four. This is necessary for the next round. Third r. String 2 beads and pass into the next 2 beads of the first four. (see the first figure). Repeat the manipulation 9 times. Pass the fishing line through the corner corner bead and 1 more bead above it. This is the completion of the series and the transition to the next round. (Figure 2) From the 4th to the 11th r. String 2 beads and pass the line in the next. bead of the column. Add one bead and go into the corner bead of the next vertical row (they are obtained from twos beads). Repeat 9 more times. To pass a fishing line through the extreme corner and 1 bead over it. This is the transition to the 12th circle. The 12th р. Weave the same as the previous row, but instead of one bead between the vertical rows of Christmas trees, add 2. 13th р. Add 3 beads and draw a line in the trail. bead column. * Add 3 more beads and pass the line through the angular bead trail. column. Repeat from * 9 times. To stretch the line through the edge of the corner and another bead over it. This is the completion of the series. Finish the ends of the line. You can hide it in a weaving or sing. Petals we will perform a mosaic (brick) method. We will weave in one thread. The length is not less than 137 cm. We start from the widest range. In height, it will be 2 beads, in length - 10 beads. (see the figures from the 1st to the 4th). We will continue to weave a short part (inner end of the petal). In height, the rows will consist of the first bead. Decrease in the number of beads will be done on the 1st in each row, except the first. Here it will be necessary to weave 2 beads less. 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. all you need is 8 rows. Loops are closed at the beginning of each row. An example of decreasing the number of beads is shown in Figures 6 and 7. The upper part of the petal will be weaved also with a brick weave, but in height the row will consist of 2 beads. The line to stretch through the last beads to the hedgehog of the woven part, so that it emerges from the first bead of the middle row). 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. in the last row in height there will be 1 bead. Fasten the line. Tails to hide. Assembly. Combine all 6 petals with a square stitch along the edge of the inner part. Sew a cup. Lesku stretch from inside the cup, through the petals and again through the beads of the cup. Sew or glue stamens. Attach the flower with glue or a florent ribbon of suitable color to the stem.

